Lurking in the Depths

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But Yunara felt a sinking feeling in her gut as she realized their objective wasn't to kill them, but to slow them down. They didn't want them to reach the Island before Cadri was sacrificed. She realized that since they thought Cadri was Chosen, they must have assumed Cadri would join them once they reached the point of actually destroying the Dark Lords. The Princess was right. This was a race on who would reach the Island first.

Yunara nodded in understanding. "We're on it."

Luca patted her shoulder approvingly. "Attagirl. My men will cover you with their cannons as much as they can. I have to go." Taking out his pistol, he climbed the steps to the upper deck and blasted another vulture-creature out of the sky, Manuel coming behind him to skewer it once it hit the ground.

The two girls headed for the railing, getting a look at the Dark One in the water for the first time. They were looking at beast with a face that was more teeth than head, a huge mouth with rows of them leading into the abyss that was its throat. Its body was serpentine, with long, tattered fins the length of ship masts. Its shriek filled the night as it made a lunge for the ship, sinking its teeth into the hull and sending it rocking again.

Before it could rip away at it, a cannon fired blasting the Dark One directly in its yellowed eyes in an explosion of water, making the creature flinch and release the ship from its jaws momentarily. But it was obvious that though the force of the shot made it recoil, the Dark One was uninjured.

As it shrieked in protest, Yunara felt her blood freeze. She had seen so many Dark Ones over the past few days, but this was the biggest she'd seen in her life. And tomorrow there'd be more like it. They were nearing the Island that was rumored to be safehaven of these creatures. She wasn't sure how much more of this she could take.

"Yunara, focus!" Kailu said, shaking her arm. She forced her to look her in the eye. "We can do this. We have to. I didn't come all this way to stop now. My papa didn't raise a quitter. Are you with me?"

Yunara shook herself. She was right. "I'm with you." Her mind raced. Then she remembered what happened in her experience when she faced Krileon. "We need help. Look around the water, try and see any Unseeables. They might know what to do."

Kailu's eyes lit up. "There's one right there!"

She pointed at a pelican that was appearing and disappearing in the air around the ship. It looked concerned and conflicted, like it wasn't sure whether or not to aid in the situation.

The two started waving at it.

"Hey!" Kailu called. "You there! Please, come down!"

The pelican looked startled to have their attention, but descended from the air nonetheless. "Yes?" she asked dubiously.

"Listen, we need a way to stop that thing that's attacking the ship. Do you know anything that could help us?"

The bird's feathers ruffled nervously. "Why do you proceed closer to the Island of the beast's dwelling? Turning the ship around would be much easier than continuing any further. He would no longer bother you in that case."

"That's not an option for us. We have to get to the Island."

The pelican's eyes lit up in understanding. "Then you must be... yes. That would explain your powerful auras. You are the Chosen." she bowed shamefully. "I apologize for not realizing it sooner. Then yes, you must reach the Island. In that case, there is no way of harming Julohn from the outside. Not with your weapons."

"What kind of weapons do we need?" Yunara asked.

"Explosives would be more effective. I could fill an item with enough power, but it would take time. However..." she drifted off in thought. "No, it's too risky."

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