Straight Girls

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You were sulking in the green room, waiting for your interview to start. Two days ago you had found out that your girlfriend, Demi, was cheating on you. Technically you should have seen it coming. Demi was straight anyway. You didn't let her see how much it hurt you, because obviously the relationship mattered more to you than her.

When your name was announced, you put on a fake smile and walked onto the stage, waving to the small audience. You gave a one armed hug to the host, sitting down in a chair and making yourself comfortable. All of the standard questions were asked and you answered them as happily as you could. Your smile faltered as the last question was asked.

“So Y/N, we've gotta ask. How's your love life?” Last week when you had been asked that you smiled and said “It's great!” But now, it was anything but that. There was really no way for you to answer without shading Demi. The relationship had been very public, so no matter what you said, people would know that something had happened.

You realized you had been in thought for a while, so you quickly decided on an answer. “Well, there's one thing I've been told my whole life and I recently learned just how true it is. Never go for a straight girl, she'll break your heart!”

The interviewer and audience laughed until what you said hit them. “Oh, well that's a bummer. Any chance of you getting back together?” You laughed uncomfortably to let the interviewer know that you weren't going to answer, so he quickly changed the subject to your latest project. The rest of the interview went rather well, and by the time it was over you were in a much better mood.

It wasn't until you got home that what Demi had done really sunk in. You hadn't been together for more than 3 months, but you had really fallen for her. It crushed you to know that she didn't feel the same. This was a completely new experience for you because you had never been cheated on. Your phone vibrated and you grabbed it eagerly, for some reason hoping it would be from Demi. Instead it was one of your friends inviting you to hang out with them. You weren't in the mood to see anyone so you politely declined.

You dropped your phone on the coffee table and then plopped face down on the couch. You turned your head so you could breathe, but kept your eyes closed. Your week had been bad enough without discovering Demi cheating, so it was nice to finally relax.

You must've fallen asleep, because you jolted awake when you heard someone knocking on the door. You rolled off the couch and trudged over to the door, opening it without seeing who was knocking. If you had you probably would've yelled at the person to fuck off.

It was Demi, and she looked incredibly guilty. “Why are you here?” you demanded with a glare. “Can you let me in first? I really need to talk to you.” You hesitated because she really didn't deserve the opportunity to talk. She looked at you with pleading eyes and you caved, moving aside so she could walk in. She flashed you one of her gorgeous smiles as she walked in. You tried to cover up that it still made your heart flutter, even if it was just for a moment.

She made her way to the couch, lounging on it as though nothing was wrong. You followed her but sat as far away from her as you could. “I saw your interview” she said quietly. “If you're here to bitch at me for making you look bad you should just leave. Is that why you're here?”

She sighed and looked away, not giving you a reply. This was typical Demi behavior. She never liked talking about things that she had done wrong and always did her best to avoid the heavy questions. You rolled your eyes and got up, intending to ask her to leave. She sat up and grabbed your arm to stop you.

“Wait! Can you just give me a minute to think?” You shook her hand away before you answered. “Why should I? Did you take a minute to think before fucking that guy?” you spat, blinking away the tears that had started to form. You sat back down and dropped your head in your hands, not wanting to look at her.

She put her hand on your back for a split second before removing it, resting it awkwardly in her lap. “I was scared” she whispered. How cliché. “Scared of what?” you mumbled from your hands. “You. Us. My feelings for you.”

You picked your head up to look at her, wanting a better explanation. “Why were you scared? Just because some ignorant people say it's wrong for us to be together doesn't mean it's true.” She bit her bottom lip while wringing her hands together.

“No, that's not it. I don't care what anyone else thinks. I was scared because I've never felt this way for anyone, ever. You're so special to me and I messed it up. Y/N, I love you.” You looked at her in shock her revelation. Neither of you had ever said it before, even though it had crossed your mind.

“How do I know you're not just saying that because you feel bad?” She didn't respond, instead grabbing her purse and pulling something from it. Her fingers were covering it up so you weren't able to see what it was.

“I want to give you this” she said, opening her hand so you could see the object. She urged you to take it. It was a simple ring with the inscription “Today. Tomorrow. Always.” She took it back from you, holding her hand out for yours. “Please. I want you to wear this promise ring and look at it all the time so you know how much I love you.”

That was all it took for you to instantly forgive her. “I love you too Demi” you said while placing your hand in hers. She smiled and slipped the ring on your finger, kissing you once it was on. “And just so you know, I fully intend to keep that promise.”

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