Just Friends?

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Demi dragged you behind her as she attempted to weave her way through the obnoxious crowd of paparazzi. You never understood how she put up with them on a daily basis, you had only been around them for less than 5 minutes yet you were already annoyed. She finally reached the car, digging through her purse for the keys. One of the nearby paparazzi decided to take advantage of the slight delay. “Demi, are you and Y/N dating?”

While Demi just laughed at the question, you almost spit out your drink. You were flustered as you got into her car, freaking out over the question. “Why would someone even ask that?” Demi laughed and shrugged, carefully maneuvering the car so nobody would get hit. “Probably because we spend most of our time together. I should probably start being more open about Wilmer, then they won't ask stupid questions like that.”

You agreed, getting caught up in dating rumors with your best friend was the last thing you wanted. “Yeah, you definitely should. Not to mention that if I wanted to be in the limelight, it'd be easier for me to make a sex tape than date you.” Demi gasped as she pretended to be offended at your comment. “Are you calling me high maintenance?”

You laughed at her, playfully rolling your eyes. “Let's just say I feel sorry for Wilmer sometimes” you smirked. “You're one to talk! Remember that one guy you dated, and you made him wait 45 minutes while you got ready?” You smiled at the memory, even though you ended up dumping the guy less than a week later.

At Demi's house, she put you in charge of getting snacks while she picked a movie. “No horror!” you called from the kitchen, even though you knew she would likely pick one anyway. You popped a bag of popcorn and dumped it into a bowl with M&M'S and pretzels. “Hurry up Y/N, it's about to start!”

You walked into the living room and groaned when you saw the movie she picked. “Demi! You know that movie scares the shit out of me!” you whined, putting the popcorn bowl on the coffee table. “I know, but you're so funny when you get scared.”

Not even halfway through the movie and you were already freaking out. “Why are they so stupid? Don't go into the damn dark room!” A scary part was coming up, so without thinking you reached out to grab Demi's hand. If you had been paying attention, you would have seen the small smile that played across her lips. Instead, you were peeking through the fingers that you were using to cover your eyes.

Even though you knew the scene was coming, you still jumped when it happened. Demi laughed loudly and gave your hand a light squeeze, reminding you that she was holding it. You suddenly felt awkward, remembering the question from earlier. You managed to slip your hand away from hers without her noticing.

Her phone vibrated and you watched as she frowned when she saw who it was from. You were pretty sure it was from Wilmer, which was confirmed when Demi muttered something about how clingy he was. You didn't want to intrude on her relationship so you didn't ask, going back to focusing on the movie.

“Y/N?” Demi asked after about 20 more minutes of watching. You didn't answer, too focused on the movie to care. You only paid her attention when she paused the movie. “What?” you snapped, wanting her to start playing the movie again. “If you could, would you ever date me?”

That question definitely caught your attention. “Why does it matter?” you responded, completely confused. She gave a small shrug, tossing the remote to the side. You internally groaned because you realized that she had no intention of hitting play anytime soon.

“It just does. Would you even consider it, if we were both lesbian and single?” You didn't know what to say, seeing as how the thought had never crossed your mind. “I have no clue Demi. Why are you even asking?”

The next thing you knew, her lips were on yours. Your first instinct was to pull back and slap her, but then you realized that you actually liked the softness of her lips. You draped your arms around her neck so she couldn't pull away as you started kissing back. It was definitely a different feeling, kissing another girl. You liked it though, Demi was definitely a better kisser than any guy you had been with. Unexpectedly, you felt a familiar fluttering in your chest when she lightly stroked up and down your arms.

“Wait” you breathed as you pulled away. You took a quick moment so you could catch your breath, her eyes on you the entire time. “What was that about?” She giggled and kissed you again. “I don't really know. I liked it though, did you?” You blushed as you realized that you really liked it and wanted to keep on kissing her. “Best kiss ever.” She leaned in again, stopping mere centimeters from your waiting lips. “In that case, I'm thinking we should give this dating thing a try.”

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