Good Thing

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Your heart was pounding obnoxiously fast in your chest, threatening to ruin the calm atmosphere. You had done this many times before, but tonight was different. There had been a shift in your relationship with Demi. It wasn't bad, quite the opposite in fact. The three words that you had exchanged with her for the first time ever were having a much bigger impact than you could ever have imagined.

You made eye contact with Demi and felt intimidated by what you saw. The reflection of the candle fire in her glassy eyes only added to the love and passion she was already displaying. She pushed lightly on your shoulders until you were laying on your back with her straddling you. Her nibble fingers toyed with the hem of your shirt, her eyes never looking away from yours.

“Can I?” Your chest tightened at her question. What would seem like a simple query to most others, to you it had a million meanings. “I don't know how.” Your voice frightened you, it was full of self-doubt and fear. You wondered if she would understand what you meant. You had done this act with her more times than you could count, but it was the way you both felt that changed the way it would be done.

Compared to your voice, hers was full of certainty. “I can teach you” she offered, waiting to see if you would grant her permission. Her calmness unnerved you. Had she felt this way with another before you? You berated yourself for even thinking that. Of course she hadn't, what you shared with her was incomparable.

You exhaled shakily and put your trembling hands on her hips in hopes that they would be still. “Okay” you breathed out. She pulled your shirt off, instantly placing her lips over your heart. “You need to calm down” she whispered against your skin. You covered your face with both hands only to have them pulled away seconds later.

“Look at me.” You swallowed the lump in your throat and forced your eyes to lock with hers. She stroked the side of your face with her hand, waiting for your heart to slow down. The look in her eyes once again stole your breath, helping to even out your breathing. Your heart soon followed, eventually slowing to a normal pace.

She leaned closer to you and pressed her lips against yours. You let your eyes close as her tongue moved along your bottom lip in seek of entrance. You shivered as you gave it to her. She kept the pace agonizingly slow, taking the time to caress every inch of your mouth that she could reach. This time there was no battle for dominance, you were both acting as equals.

When her lips left yours you couldn't help but whine in complaint. She hushed you by tracing the outline of your bra with burning kisses. She waited until you were squirming beneath her to reach her hands behind your back to encourage you to sit up. Her mouth reconnected with yours as she unclasped your bra, letting it slip off your arms.

She guided you back into your previous position, cupping your breasts in her warm hands. She kneaded them gently as she continued kissing you. Once your nipples reacted to your touch she left your mouth, kissing all around both nipples. You wanted to tell her to hurry up, but you knew she would tell you to be patient in response.

You slightly arch into her as her fingers lock around your hardened peaks. Your bottom lip finds it home between your teeth, keeping you silent. The twisting motions that her fingers are doing make silence rather difficult, but you still manage. Until her teeth join her fingers, that is.

You moan from the back of your throat and tangle your hands in her hair, knowing that she won't let you touch her anywhere else. She alternates between gentle suckling and nibbling, giving you a feeling that drives you insane. She drags her hand across the other nipple, letting it scratch against her palm. She glances up at you for a moment as she switches over to give your other breast the same treatment. You fail at stifling a moan when she bites down a bit harder than before. “Demi...please” you whine, attempting to move her hands to where you want them. She gives your nipples one last kiss before peppering your collarbone and jaw with kisses, ending back at your lips. “My pace” she whispers, tugging on your already bruised bottom lip with her teeth.

After what seems like an eternity, she finally undoes the button and zipper on your jeans. You left your hips so she can slip them off easily, tossing them to the side of the bed. She moves her lips to your neck, quickly finding the sensitive spot that she had discovered so long ago. Your hips jerk to meet her hand as she unexpectedly smooths it over your already ruined panties. “Looks like these are no good anymore.”

You sigh in relief when she pulls them off, hoping that she wouldn't take much longer to give you more pleasure. You automatically spread your legs wider for her as she knelt between them. Her eyes moved over every inch of your body, stopping at the apex of your legs. A blush formed on your cheeks under her intense stare, practically feeling the heat from her eyes. “Somehow you get even more beautiful every time I see you” she husked, tracing the outline of your lower lips with two fingers.

She plunged her index finger into your hole, but removed it before you could even blink. You whimpered, needing to feel more. Her middle finger joined her index in pressing down hard on your clit, making you moan loudly.

She tossed her hair over her shoulder, transferring her passionate gaze to your eyes. She wasn't even the one being pleasured yet she looked so sexy. Her lips were slightly parted as she panted, turned on just by touching you. “What do you want baby?” You groaned in frustration as she continued teasing your clit lightly, she should already know what you want.

You licked your lips several times as you tried to find your voice. “F-fuck me...please” you moaned. She shook her head but moved her fingers to your opening anyway, confusing you. She readjusted so her lips were brushing against your ear, biting down on your earlobe quickly. “I'm not going to fuck you right now...but I'll love you more than ever before.”

You sucked in a sharp breath at her words. “O-okay” you stuttered, wanting her to do just that. You grabbed her head with your hands and brought her lips back to yours as she slowly sank two fingers in. You moaned into her mouth as she began to pump at an even pace, brushing against your clit with her palm as she did so. “Let go when your ready” she said, answering the question that you were about to ask.

You knew you would cum soon, having been built up so much. Her lips started to move awkwardly against yours, and it took you a few seconds to realize that she was saying something. “I love you and you're mine” she whispered repeatedly. The lump in your throat returned, this time joined by tears in your eyes. She noticed the tears and it only encouraged her to speak louder and move her fingers faster, pushing you to reach your peak.

“Demi, baby” you choked out, feeling yourself release onto her fingers. You couldn't stop the tears from spilling out, overwhelmed by the emotion Demi was projecting. She stilled her fingers but didn't remove them, kissing away the tears. She seemed to understand what had happened, because she didn't ask what was wrong.

Nothing was wrong, in fact, everything was unquestioningly perfect. This experience with her was a stark contrast to the ones before it. You let your lips find Demi's again, trying to get her to feel what you were. You didn't know how long this moment would last, you wanted to catch it and keep it forever. Demi was the one, so for now you were content knowing you would get many more moments like this one.

Demi Lovato ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now