|○|Good Guilt{Request}|○|

Start from the beginning

   "Connor! Stop fucking around with the newbie and let's hurry this shit up..." Hank definitely sounded like he didn't want to do this, or he didn't even want to be here, for that matter. But he was like that almost all the time, so this wasn't new for Connor.

   "Coming, Lieutenant." Connor then swiftly turned his gaze back to (Y/n), a warm smile curled on his lips that caused her heart to skip a beat. "Shall we go then, Detective?" When he asked that question it was then that she noticed his hands were still placed at her waist and the lower part of her back, only making her an even more flustered mess than before. But she'd be lying if she said she didn't like being held by him.

   "Uhm, y-yeah... let's go." (Y/n) didn't move, obviously not wanting to take herself away from him. Luckily, Connor did so first, letting go of her - much to her disappointment - and stepping back so that he wasn't in her small desk space anymore. With that the (H/c)-nette stumbled out of there a bit, still trying to calm her beating heart and flaring cheeks as she made her way over to Hank while Connor trailed after her like a puppy.


   How did she end up in this predicament? One moment she was walking around the crime scene - which happened to just be in a wealthy persons house -, and the next she was suddenly pointing her gun at the android outside. Moments before she had told Hank and Connor she would check outside for any signs, and Hank didn't seem to care, seeing as it was raining and he didn't want to go get wet. Connor however had decided to voice his concern about the female both having a chance of getting sick and going out on her own, but she simply waved him off and said she'd be fine. The android was persistent, but he didn't have a choice when the Lieutenant dragged him away, making his L.E.D spin red as he stared after (Y/n)'s figure. Maybe not having anyone with her was a bad idea now.

   "J-just come with me, and everything will be fine." The (H/c)-nette mentally cursed at herself for stuttering, trying to stop the shakiness in her hands as the gun clutched in them aimed right at the deviants head. He has said nothing since she first spotted him, only staring at her with wide, fearful eyes and a bright scarlet L.E.D blinking in alarm.

   (Y/n) didn't even know why she said that. Apparently, from the reports she had read, this deviant had committed over thirty homicides, so she was supposed to just shoot it on the spot when spotted. Yet she couldn't bring herself to do so, her gut just wrenching at the thought of shooting someone, android or not.

   "Detecive (L/n)? Are you out here-?" Connor's voice rang into her ears, making her swiftly turn her head to see him stepping out into the rain. His eyes landed on her first, before noticing the deviant. His normally friendly look completely vanished, his eyes narrowing and brows furrowing as he took a menacing step forward. "Shoot it, Detective." Connor's voice sent a spike of terror down her spine. It sounded so cold, so detached as his eyes reflected that of a cold blooded killing machine. It was a terrifying sight in all honesty, and (Y/n) found her whole body starting to shake from both the cold and this frightening situation.

   The sound of fast footsteps squelching through the mushy grass caused her attention to snap over to the now running deviant, her hands shaking badly as her pointer finger hovered over the trigger.

   "Shoot, (Y/n)!" Connor's voice shouted harshly at her, making her flinch as tears flooded her eyes and her heart pounded in her chest. She could hear his footsteps quickly running towards her, before feeling a sudden force rip the gun away from her. Just like that Connor ran after the deviant, her gun in hand as he made his way out of her sight and throughout the neighborhood. But (Y/n) honestly didn't care, she only let herself slowly sink down to the wet ground, mixed emotions flooding through her.

|●|DBH: Connor x Reader Oneshots|○|Where stories live. Discover now