Chapter 11 - Tomorrow, Konoha

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Thanks for reading! I don't own any of Naruto! Please let me know if you enjoy!


The final month of Sakura's pregnancy approached and Sasuke was surprised at emotional and physical changes in his wife.

Sasuke intended for them to already be home, unfortunately, that hadn't happened yet.

Sakura tried to maintain her usual happy smile but when she thought he wasn't looking, her discomfort showed on her face.

Sakura wished they were back in Konoha. Everything was sore, she was constantly exhausted.

Moving hurt.

Sitting hurt.

Breathing hurt.

The only thing that made it bearable was her loving husband's gaze and kisses. Sometimes Sakura would be sitting, doing some menial task like folding Sasuke's clothes and she would catch him looking at her in awe and admiration.

Sasuke would hold her like she was made of glass, covering her lips and body with his gentle kisses of approval.

Sakura was so happy that she was finally going to give Sasuke his heir.

The only strange thing was, for the past month, he never touched her belly unless she placed his hand there.

As the impending birth of their child was more and more emphasized with each passing day, did Sasuke secretly wish it wasn't coming? Why?

One morning, Sasuke planted a sweet kiss on her lips as he turned to leave for the day. "If today goes well, we can return home, my blossom. I'm sorry the mission has taken this long." Sasuke said softly.

"Why don't you touch our baby anymore?" Sakura asked, looking down.

She should have felt excited, but watching him leave this morning made her sad for some reason.

"What?" Sasuke asked in surprise, his onyx eyes scanning over his wife.

"You never touch my belly. Not unless I hold your hand to it." Sakura said quietly as she looked up at her handsome husband. "Why?"

The Uchiha male looked a little embarrassed and moved away from the door, walking over sheepishly to kneel in front of his pregnant wife, gazing at her globe of a middle.

"Do you think it's gross?" Sakura asked, quietly, not with self-pity, but curiosity. If Sasuke did, she could accept that, but at least she would know.

"No, I don't think it's gross." Sasuke said, his onyx eyes flickering up to Sakura's gaze. "I think it's amazing. I think you're beautiful......I'm just......afraid I'm going to hurt you." Sasuke frowned and looked at his prosthetic arm. "I'm afraid I'll hurt the baby or.....if I touch it somehow, it might stop moving....... It's very fragile."

Sakura tilted her head a little in confusion at her husband's words and then she laughed. "Sasuke, it won't hurt the baby if you touch me. Go ahead."

Sasuke blinked and slowly put his palm on her middle, spaying his fingers.

His face lit up as he moved them around gently.

When Sakura had just started to show he could feel some flutters, when she got a little bigger, he could feel distinct movements. But now, with her this far along, their child was so strong he could see a ripple in her belly.

"That's our baby, Sakura!" Sasuke said with wide eyes as one ripple went right under his fingers.

"I know!" Sakura giggled at him, placing her hands over his as he pressed an ear against her abdomen and listened to the fast, loud pulse of his unborn child.

"Just today and then we'll be home." Sasuke purred as he kissed the side of her tummy. "Is there anything you need before I go?"

"Just for you to come back to me." Sakura smiled as she ran her fingers through his raven-black hair.

Sasuke's eyes were soft but serious as he kissed his wife, just a quick peck, and made his way out the door.

One more day and they would be home.

Sakura grimaced, rubbing a spot on her back as a stabbing pain shot up her spine.

The next Uchiha was ready to be in Konoha where he or she belonged.

Tomorrow couldn't come soon enough.

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