Chapter 16: Upcoming Separation and Hallucinations

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I kept on training with my boots until I heard that same deep voice again,

"Y/N, your life here will end up in danger, just watch.."

The voice then chuckle after saying that. Whenever I look around, no one was there..

"Ok, enough with the jokes!" I shouted and I looked at the people who were around me showing innocent looks,

"If this is a joke, it's not funny, can't you see I'm training here?! Who keeps making that horrible voice to me?!" I said angrily and all looks were on me as if I was a mad hedgehog.

"Uh Y/N?" I turned around who that voice was and it was Amy.

"Someone keeps on telling me my life will end soon and I should just watch. Who the hell is that?! Whoever he is should seriously stop!" I said angrily and Amy looked like something's actually bothering me.

"But Y/N, I've been here training next to you till now, I don't see nor hear anyone with the voice you're thinking of, otherwise I'd remove that person with my hammer." She then showed her hammer to me and I sighed.
"Amy, I can hear with both ears, he sounded so deep with a scary tone."
"It's not that I don't believe in you, but did you have enough rest lately? Because there is NO ONE here close to us even talking with us you know.."
"I've already taken a nap Amy, I've gotten enough rest already!"
"Well if that's what you think, I'll be right beside you. Let me know if the voice bothers you immediately."

We then continued training and practiced using our weapons and fight with each other to test our own skills. I then didn't hear the scary voice any more. But it isn't over yet.

When we were about to be done, suddenly a strong earthquake trembled beneath our feet and I almost lost balance. Everyone else screamed and ran under trees and houses to protect themselves while Amy and I were here prepared for what's going to happen.

But nothing did, no one was coming for us and the strong earthquake continued, but then, the earthquake became stronger than I imagined when a huge beam of red and orange light came from the sky and landed somewhere far away from us but we still managed to catch a glimpse of it when it crashed onto the forest ground and creating an explosion, causing a huge wave of wind hitting us that we need to protect our eyes with our hands. When the huge wave of air was done, the ground was still shaking strongly, making something horrifying happening that made me and Amy's eyes open wide..

Buildings are starting to break and collapse.. and people are starting to get hit by the stones and other things that are falling down, causing them to get injured.. I just stood there watching the scene in shock until..

"Hey Y/N snap out of it!! Amy shouted at me shaking my shoulder until I did. Sonic, Tails, Sticks and Knuckles arrived to us.

"You ladies alright?" Sonic asked and we nodded. Fireballs suddenly came from the red and orange beam explosion from the distance and came landing on us everywhere. We dodged to prevent from getting hit until I saw most of them, landing on the trees, causing them to catch the leaves on fire until the whole trees were burning in flames. I then knew what was happening.

It was the vision I saw of when Acrine will be destroyed in ashes with no one surviving.

"What should we do?! everyone will die if we don't do a thing about it!" Tails said horrifyingly and then Sonic answered his question,

"Remember who the leader is now Tails.." He smirked and looked at me, causing everyone else to look at me as well and that's when I realized what my job is. Prevent Acrine and my friends from the tragic end. Sonic smiled and the rest did as well, giving me courage to decide and speak up bravely. I first kept in mind of the visions of each of their deaths.

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