Chapter 5: Sunlight Scripture

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Ainz: Stop! Death Knight!

With that, the hulk of an undead stopped and turned to his master. Up in the air, Ainz, Albedo and I floated above the humans underneath, the villagers looked on in awe while the knights trembled in terror.

Satan: Even a simple middle-tier summon can do this much damage? Pathetic.

Ainz: I am Ainz Ooal Gown! Learn my name and spread it. Begone!

The soldiers ran of in the furthest direction and didn't stop. We turned to the villagers and began to speak to them. Ainz decided to monologue, I was just not interested, when he went to talk with the chief I opted to stay outside, beside me stood both Albedo and Oda.

Oda: Milord, why aren't you also inside listening to what the man says? Myself and Albedo are more than capable of standing guard.

Satan: I simply don't think it's useful to me, I rarely use any information I'm given, I change everything to fit my own way.

Dammit, is this what happened when you're a demon? Just very sinful? Oda's eyes shined as well as Albedo's through her helmet.

Oda: As expected milord, everything must follow the will of the supreme beings.

Soon Ainz came out with the village chief and so we followed them, on the hillside, we saw many villagers mourning for the dead. If I hadn't turned into a demon, I would've sympathized. Before we could do anything else, a villager riding a horse approached us.

Villager: Chief! I found soldiers on horseback riding towards us, what do we do?

The chief turned towards us.

Chief: Can we please ask of your protection again, I beg you.

The chief leaned forward in a deep bow.

Satan: Worry not Village chief, your village will not receive any harm as long as we are here.

He gave another deep bow, before leading us to the front of the village, and riding from the sunset were men on horses galloping across the grasslands.

The soldiers were different than the armor before, the previous ones wore full iron plate armour, these however only had a chest plate and greaves, all the rest was leather. When the arrived, it was clear who was the leader, a bearded man with a strong chest plate and shoulder armour seemed to be the one leading the cavalry.

Warrior: I'm the chief warrior of Re-estize, who are you?

Chief: Ah, I am the chief and these four are the ones who saved the village.

Ainz: My name is Ainz Ooal Gown, my friend is Satan.

The warrior got off his horse and looked at us, before bowing forward.

Gazef: I Gazef Stronoff, thank you for protecting this village. Ainz-dono, Satan-dono.

Before we could continue talking, a soldier came running up to us.

Soldier: Chief Warrior, a group of men were seen close by.

Gazef: Are they knights of the Baharuth Empire.

Soldier: No they seem to be from the Slane Theocracies judging by the angels they summoned.

The captain turned towards us.

Gazef: Will you two be willing to help us?

Ainz: No but we will protect the village.

Before Gazef could leave I quickly stopped him.

Satan: Warrior captain!

Gazef: Yes Satan-dono?

Satan: Take this.

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