Chapter 12~

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Chapter Song~ Waking up your neighbors downstairs I've been inside your bedroom a thousand years and as you tie me to the bed for good I say that I want you in the most unromantic way oh Louisiana you're torturing me with a beautiful face Ana come on I thought we had a damn good thing (damn good thing) a penny in the couch and a diamond ring so baby stay away from my friends 'cause I need them to carry me when it's over I'll count back from ten and you can listen to glass heart shattering I don't know how you got into me down my throat and made a home in my veins they used to be the rivers that would take us away now you only call me every Christmas and my birthday I still can't believe how you look next to me ahh just like a strip club bedroom scene baby stay away from my friends (my friends) ~ Stay Away From My Friends By: Pierce The Veil

Niall's P.O.V

I have been feeling fine since we found out the condom broke. Which was about a month ago. I was waiting for symptoms before going to the doctors but nothing has happened. Hunter and Harry are okay. They're having a bit of anger problems towards Zayn but nothing major just a glare here and there or moving seats. Louis has been loud as ever. He's getting bigger by the minute and he's starting to make hand motions when he wants something. We usually know what he wants and we don't try and make him talk. But I just hope he doesn't become a drama queen and demand things. I am cleaning the house before the boys and Zayn comes. I wash the last five bowls and spoons from breakfast that morning and begin to make soup for dinner. I hear a loud cry and quickly finish chopping up carrots before rushing upstairs. I walk into Louis's room to see him standing up with the help of the crib bars. His cries calm down a bit but he makes grabby hands wanting me to pick him up.

"Aww, what's wrong baby? Are you hungry hmm?"

"Baba bla bla ba la lo "

he babbled on not making any sense. I kissed his forehead and he giggled.

"What do you want to eat baby hmm? Papa, Harry, and Hunter are coming home in a bit maybe you can wait until they get here."

He gives me a grumpy look not looking happy about my words. It seems Louis understands who Papa, Harry, and Hunter are and what food is along with other things. I kiss his cheek to make his pout go away but it remains the same. I smile and chuckle at my baby. I kiss all over his face quickly making him burst into a fit of giggles. I walk over to the stove with Louis in my arms. I stir the soup around making the whole house fill with the amazing scent. I then leave the soup and go to the living room to spend time with Louis. I lay on the couch and place him on my chest. He pats his hands on my face and squeezes my nose then giggling. I kiss his hands and lightly bounce him on my chest.

" Baby, can you say Daddy?"


"D-d-a-d-d-y come on try please. D-a-d-d-y! "


"Yes, but D-a-d-d-y come on Lou I know you can do it!"


"No! Lou it's D-d-d-d"

" L-l-l-l-o-o-o"

"Lou! come on just try D-a-d-dy"

"L-L-L-o-o-o-u-u-u-u Lou! Lou! Lou!"

"For crying out loud of course you would say your own name! It makes me wonder how you will be when you grow up."

"Lou! Lou! Lou!"

"Louis,baby, now say D-a-d-d-y"

" Lou! D-d-d-d"



"Daddy! come on Lou say Daddy!"

Abused But Loved (Ziall Mpreg)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin