Chapter 1~

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~A person who loves you truly will never let you go whatever the situation is ~

Niall's P.O.V

It's been three years now. We were perfectly happy but I don't know what changed. He just came home one day and hit me but of course right after he apologized. I thought it was a onetime thing, I never thought it would go on for this long. You're probably thinking, 'Why are you still with this guy then?' It's simple really... I love him. I love Zayn and no matter what I will never stop loving him. I don't have any alive family members and Zayn doesn't really visit his family so really it's just me and him. I just hope one day I can get my old Zayn back... I frantically look at the clock to see it's almost three in the afternoon. I quickly jump up and run over to the laundry room. I put all his clothes to wash and then run off to the kitchen to start cooking. While the food is cooking I run upstairs and pick up all the random clothes on the floor and put them away as quickly as possible then run back down starts to finish the meal I'm making for Zayn. Just as I put the food on a plate the door opens to the house and I freeze in my spot. I take out my phone and check the time to see he's ten minutes early. I groan quietly so he can't hear it but walk over to the plate and set it down on the table and stand straight next to it. I look down at my clothes and see I'm in sweats and in a random t-shirt. I mentally scold myself for not changing. I watch as he walks into the kitchen with a smile on his face.

"Hey Baby"

"Hi babe."

He comes closer to me and I flinch when his hand is raised only for him to set it gently on my cheek and kiss me. I kiss back automatically letting him take control. When he pulls away I'm breathless and take a step back. He sits down and starts eating. I'm so happy I'm not a bad cook or else that would give him another reason to hit me. Surprisingly he hasn't found a reason to strike. I breathe out a sigh of relief when he doesn't say anything else to me but freeze once again when he clears his throat.

"Ni, did you do the laundry already?"

"Um...uh... y-you.see... ummm..."

"Speak!! Don't fucking mumble!!"

"It's washing right now..."


"It's wash-"

"I know what you said! My question is why the fuck did you barely put it to wash now? I fucking told you I need a shirt that was in the dirty clothes and you waited last minute to wash clothes?"

"I'm sorry... I forgot ..."

I watch as he stands up and walks over to me as I walk back to get away from him already knowing what's coming to me for being stupid.

"Haha you fucking forgot! I fucking work and you don't do shit all day and your telling me you fucking forgot!"

"I'm so-"

I was cut off by a hard slap to the face. It was hard enough to knock me down on the floor. I held my cheek as tears sting my eyes. I then felt a kick towards my side and let out a yelp and began to sob when the kicks continued. I felt his fist come in contact with my cheek very close to my eye. I let out a loud cry just to have Zayn sit on the floor next to me. He reached his hand out for me to grab. But I quickly move away from him scared that I would be hit again. This is my fucking fault if I had just listened to him he wouldn't have gotten mad and would be happy because I did as he said.

"Baby, I'm sorry... I didn't mean too... please come here."

I looked at him with tears rushing down my cheeks. I slowly crawled over to him and he pulled me into his arms hugging me softly.

"I'm sorry... If you had just listened to me I wouldn't have hurt you. So, next time I ask you to do something... fucking do it... okay?" He said as he squeezed my wrist making me cry more.

I nodded quickly and he let my wrist go.

"I-I'm sorry... Zayn..."

"It's okay baby... I love you..."

"I love you too..."

"Come on Ni lets go upstairs and let me make you feel better"

I nod and slowly get up because of the pain shooting through my body. I'm positive I will have big purple bruises all over me. I let him lead me upstairs and gently lay on the bed as he take of his clothes leaving him just in his boxers. He crawls on top of me leaving gentle kiss over my face then tugs on my shirt telling me to take it off. He lifts my shirt up and takes it off me throwing it across the room. He gently kisses the bruises he made and kisses down my chest until he got to my pants. He unbuttons them and I lifted my hips up for him to slide them off my legs. I just stared at the wall allowing him to do what he wants. If I even tried to stop him I would just end up in pain and with more bruises and I don't want that so I just do as he says and let him do what he wants. He kissed all the bruises on my body making me smile and giggle when it tickles. He looks up at me and smiles softly and my breath hitches as I look at him. He looks like the old Zayn with love and adoration filled in his eyes. He takes my boxers off along with his and gets lube. He gently rubs it on his length then lines himself up with my entrance. But before he could even continue I stop him.

"Zayn! Stop!"


"You need to put on protection..."

"Why Ni? Are you fucking someone else?"

"Of course not!!! You know why!!"

He grunts and I can see the anger filling his eyes but he listens to me and puts on the protection thrusting into me quickly making me scream out in pain. By how he's slamming into me I know he's mad and not doing this for me but for himself. He has his hands on my hips holding on tightly to surely leave bruises there as well as he slams into me making me cry out with every thrust. I feel tears sting my eyes but he soon finishes and pulls out of me falling next to me on the bed. He pushes me off the bed making me land on the floor with a loud thud and I cry in pain as I land on my back side. I slowly stand up and limp to the bathroom. I close the door behind me and turn on the water for the shower and walk in front of the mirror to inspect the damage done to my body. I see a big purple bruise on my face and look at the rest of my body. I slide down the door and cry against it. I get up and quickly shower then get out going to our closet and getting some clothes. I put them on very slowly and then head back to bed. I lie down slowly and feel Zayn's arms wrap around my waist as he pulls me into his chest. He kisses the bruises on my face and smiles at me sadly.

"I'm sorry again Ni... I love you..."

"I love you too..."

I then close my eyes just waiting for sleep to take so I can try and forget about today's events...

Hi! So this is just a like I guess sneak peek but I'm sorry if it sucks now... I will make it better I promise... This is just the beginning so I had to show how Niall's life is on a daily bases with Zayn. I already have thins plans that I want to happen so please vote and comment! I will update soon!!! Byeee!!!~ PUNK NIALLER




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