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trippieredd: so omar got jumped today

tayk47shawty: yall hear sumn

theslumpgod: this is so sad alexa play havana

cloudyskies: i wish i got a hit in

theslumpgod: same

trippieredd: me too

smokepurpp: yall aint shit

smokepurpp: i got jumped by like 8 niggas

smokepurpp: my nose was bloody and now i have a black eye

trippieredd: you too damn big to be getting beat up

xanxiety: tbh. you're like 6'3 and 300 pounds

smokepurpp: i only weigh 220 but go off shark boy

jaredwrld: mbn to get jumped

trippieredd: ................... i cant with you sometimes

smokepurpp: i just walked out of the bathroom and next thing i know im getting my ass beat by like 8 niggas

smokepurpp: and i kept hearing jahseh's loud ass screaming worldstar

xxxtentacion: i tried to help you :(

smokepurpp: by filming it on your live????????

smokepurpp: we live in a society

theslumpgod: why didnt you just steal one of their eyes like you did to daniel

tayk47shawty: *allegedly did to daniel

smokepurpp: this is the worse week of my life

smokepurpp: im about to cordae myself

tracyminajj: wtf is cordae

smokepurpp: some dead nigga

tracyminajj: wtf goes on in this gc

tracyminajj: is this some satanic murder cult

tracyminajj: bc if it is then consider me the leader

gothboigus: murders only happen occasionally here

gothboigus: we're basically just a bunch of sad gays

tracyminajj: so does this mean no satanic murder cult :(

xxxtentacion: i feel you :(

xxxtentacion: i asked stoke if we could sacrifice omar and he told me no :(

xxxtentacion: so i tried to sacrifice him instead

tracyminajj: you can sacrifice gus if you want

gothboigus: *gus has left the chat*

tayk47shawty: oh look just what we needed, another demented ass demonic ass nigga

theslumpgod: jah what did i say about trying to sacrifice people

xxxtentacion: but i need to collect souls to give to satan

xxxtentacion: where do i get my souls from

theslumpgod: your feet now stfu

lilpumpjetskii: WHO HURTED OMAR


lilpumpjetskii: THEY JUMPED MY PAPI

lilpumpjetskii: WHO HURTED HIM

lilpumpjetskii: LET ME FINE OUT

theslumpgod: gazzy you're like 5'5 and 100 pounds

lilpumpjetskii: SO


lilpumpjetskii: just call me lil gazi vert

lilpumpjetskii: cuz im finna breng out my ener deimen

lilpumpjetskii: on whoever tf hurt omar

tracyminajj: is he blind or something so he has trouble typing

tracyminajj: tf did i just read

gothboigus: no gazzy speaks a language far to advanced for us mere mortals

tracyminajj: ohhhhh so he's a retard

lilpumpjetskii: who you callin a retart treysee

lilpumpjetskii: i will sent you two hail

lilpumpjetskii: all yall are goeng two hail write with me

cloudyskies: *uzi has entered the chat*

lilpumpjetskii: nah GAZI has inturd the chat

lilpumpjetskii has changed the group name to "lil gazi vert"

tracyminajj: gus can you translate

gothboigus: he said all of us are going to hell

tracyminajj: yay

tracyminajj: i stan gazzy now

xxxtentacion: we stan lil gazi vert

xxxtentacion: i'll help you with your first sacrifice

lilpumpjetskii: 666 hell sayten

lilpumpjetskii: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

tayk47shawty: man shut your ass up for i allegedly get my choppa

tayk47shawty: then you gon really be in hell

lilpumpjetskii: dew it

lilpumpjetskii: i am note afredo to dye

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