Start from the beginning


Hours later that passed like seconds, we were still on the bed, sweat coating our skin and sheets ripped. She was twirling a piece of hair thoughtfully, a sheet wrapped securely around her body. 

I pulled my boxers on, knowing that there was no way in hell that she was going to let me near her again. At least not now. She stood up and sat on the window seat, curling up against the window, her breath misting the glass up. 

"I've always wanted one of these." she motioned at the seat and a small smile appeared on my face.

"It's yours now." 

"I know." she stroked the soft rug beneath her and her head fell back against the wood.

"Your necklace." I noted and her hand immediately grasped at empty air

"It's fine." she swallowed uncertainly, "We've come to an agreement and Karina promised to get me a necklace as soon as they visit again."

"You're sure?" I checked

"You don't trust me?" she asked

"I'm just checking." I told her, "My kingdom needs stability and your wolf and witch aren't exactly renowned for that." 

"Thanks for your trust in me." she said cooly, I opened my mouth to reply, when the door slammed open and we both snapped our eyes to the door. 

Leon stood there, blood coating him. The clearest thing was the desperation in his eyes. Terror.

"Leon!" Jade stood up, but he rushed to her and fell to his knees in front of her. She looked at me her eyes wide, before lifting his chin. "Whose blood is this?" 

"Not mine." he said his voice empty

"Leon, this isn't the time to play guessing games with me!" she snapped, "Whose blood is this?"

"Liam's." Tristan's cold voice greeted us, "Chain him up." His order had his men chaining Leon up with silver and Jade got up, desperation now in her eyes.

"Liam's. What happened?" she asked

"He clawed him, pretty good." Tristan answered, "Liam'll survive." 

"What did you do!?" she screamed at Leon and the room fell silent. The whole castle fell silent. "Answer me! What did you do!?" 

Leon stared back at her, without emotion in his eyes. "I clawed him."

"Why?" she asked and I unconsciously moved toward her, pulling her behind me

"You think you can protect her?" he sneered, "You'll be the end of her." 

"Let's go." Tristan nodded at the guards and they grabbed Leon before leaving. "Go check on Liam. I'll deal with Leon." 

"Ana." Jade closed her eyes and a cut formed on her arm, similar to the one that cut her yesterday. A wisp of smoke escaped and then closed as soon as it left.

"Let's go love." I clasped her hand into mine and I looked over at her face, which had no fight left. Just confusion. 

We arrived to the pack hospital, the strong smell of silver and alcohol hitting us. Liam was being looked over by a nurse, who immediately left as we arrived.

"Baby." Jade slipped her hand out of mine and pulled Liam close to her gently. His face had been clawed slightly, while his chest and legs had gotten most of the damage. "Are you okay?"

"Is Leon okay?" he asked instead

"He'll be fine." I answered for her and he looked up, his gaze disapproving and completely void of trust

"What happened?" 

"I talked about going back to the pack, to see Scott and Beth. They apparently had a baby, so I wanted to go see and support them ya know. He snapped, as soon as I said Scott's name. Said some shït about me betraying him." he answered, leaning back into the pillows

"They had a baby?" she looked up at me

"Baby girl." I asnwered

"You knew and you didn't tell me?" she asked

"Necklace was off." I motioned at the empty space at her neck, "Didn't exactly want you to go and rip the baby's spinal cord out." 

"Funny." she glared at me

"What's going on with him?" he asked

"We're thinking he was injected with vamp blood when he ran off t one of Tristan's camps." Jade answered

"Wouldn't be surprised." Liam said, "That explains the violence."

"I don't think I need kids." Jade sighed

"Why?" Liam laughed

"You two are enough drama for me."


Goddammit Leon.  No smut here ladies and gentlemen. That ain't the life I chose

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