"How many barrels have you already devoured?" he asked and stepped away from their drunken guild mate.

"Who counts? One, eleven, two, twelve..."

"That's my girlfriend", Bickslow grinned hugging Cana. "When the fireworks are over, let's go get totally hammered in the evening. You guys should join us."

"I'll pass", Freed said immediately. "I haven't forgotten our vacation hangover yet."

"Aww, you are no fun, baby. Laxus?" the seith mage asked looking at the dragon slayer. Laxus looked at Freed who smiled.

"You know, you don't need my permission to that", he chuckled. "You can always do what you want."

"I know. But I'm going to pass this time too", Laxus said shaking his head. He had other plans in mind already. "And we also need to clean this all when the Autumn Festival is over. And I don't like doing that with a headache."

"I'm sure Master has some plan how it could be done quickly", Freed assured.

"Gramps? You wish! I'm sure he haven't given a shit about how we are going to clean this hell. He just wants to watch chicks on the beach", Laxus snorted and Freed rolled his eyes. "Cana, have you seen Evergreen?"

"Oh? She isn't here anymore?" Cana realised looking around. "She was right here a moment ago! We were having such a great time", she said with a sigh.

"She absolutely shouldn't drink anything if she is going to have a show later at the evening", Freed huffed.

"Like you can tell me what to do, sweetie", Ever chuckled, standing behind Laxus and Freed. "Don't you worry, I can handle one or two drinks", she convinced and took a sip from her red drink. "I'm not lightweight like you."

"I guess I can't stop you", Freed sighed shaking his head.

"You're right, you can't", Ever just hummed happily and sat down on the stool next to Cana. "So did you guys get everything ready?"

"My labyrinth is on it's place and Laxus has done his own job in the town", Freed said.

"So what did Laxus do?" Bickslow asked curiously. "Can you finally tell us?"

"It's nothing really interesting", Laxus muttered. "Just something for the kids."

"Maybe you should make one here too so they could see?" Freed suggested.

Laxus muttered something and stepped farther from the bar. He dropped on his knee and drew some simple runes on the sand.

"I hope that's not all of it", Bicks chuckled when rune barriers hoisted up and formed a narrow cylinder that was about Freed's height. "I mean, it is a really nice trap and all, you're getting better at rune magic but even I know those runes can't even hold a mouse inside them."

"Just wait", Freed smiled.

Laxus put his hand at the surface of the barrier. They waited for a while and then they could see little sparks starting to emerge inside the trap. First they were tiny, crackling around but slowly they grew bigger. They all combined together at the middle until there were one big lightning ball hovering in the middle.

"That does look interesting", Ever admitted. "What does it do?"

"Try touching it", Freed said nodding at the rune cylinder.

They all stepped next to the cylinder and Cana – as she was drunk enough not to be scared – was first one to put her hand at the surface of the cylinder. Her hair puffed and lifted up.

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