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For my sister, anathewerewolfies, another story for you.
To start off my story, my name is Cressa O'Reily. My first name is Greek, it means golden. I never knew who my father was growing up but I never really cared because I had my mother and she was so amazing! NOT! I've been searching for my father since I turned thirteen. My mother is a drug addict, alcoholic, and useless. I live in Maine, a small town with a population of one thousand. I have ADHD, dyslexia, and I always get into fights because of my style and my mother. So, let's start this crazy story I call life.
I got home and tossed my bag on the ground then went to the kitchen and got me a sandwich as mom snoozed on the couch. I rolled my eyes and grabbed my bag then went upstairs and tossed it onto my bed then laid down and groaned, hearing the doorbell. I ran downstairs and opened the door then saw some guy in a wheelchair and a boy with dark hair, sea green eyes, and suntanned skin.


"Cressa O'Reily?" I nodded and he smiled.

"I'm Mr. Brewer, I run a camp in New York and I was wondering if you'd like to join us." He said and I noticed neighbors staring then cleared my throat and smiled.

"Here, come inside." I said and they came in then I went to my mom.

"Mom, wake up." I said but she smacked my hands as I went to shake her.

"Mom, there's people here. You need to get up." I said and she groaned then woke up and glared at me.

"Useless bitch." She spit and I moved away from her as she looked at Mr. Brewer and the boy.


"Its miss, I ain't married." Mom snapped and stood then grabbed her beer but it was empty so she went to get another one.

"I'm so sorry about her." I whispered and Mr. Brewer put his hand up some.

"It's alright. I've dealt with worse, believe it or not." He said and I looked at the boy.

"I'm Percy Jackson." He said and offered his hand then I shook it.

"Cressa!" Mom yelled and came back then threw her empty glass at my head. Having expected this, I ducked and went to her.


"Go get me beer-"

"I can't, mom. I can't buy alcohol, you know that." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"Fine, stay useless then." We went back to the living room and she glared at Mr. Brewer and Percy.

"What do you want? You don't work for the state, do you?"

"No, miss O'Reily, I don't work for the state. I run a camp for special individuals who have dyslexia and ADHD-"

"My daughter doesn't have either-"

"Her medical records say she does." Percy said and my mom glared at me.

"So you're a freak and messed up, huh?!" She grabbed my throat and I went to shove her away when suddenly, a tanned body was between her and me.

"Don't touch her."

"Percy, it's alright." Mr. Brewer said and looked around the house.

"Miss O'Reily, I'm sure you're aware that you must be constantly caring for your child if they have dyslexia since they can't read things correctly. Am I correct?" My mother glared but didn't say anything as I held Percy's arm and he stayed in front of me.

"No? Then I'll call the state and be sure to have Cressa removed and taken to a proper home-"

"This is her home!" Mom growled and looked at me.

"Tell him! Tell him how happy you are here, Cressa!"

"Don't lie, Cressa." Percy whispered to me and I looked between the three people then I took a deep breath and smiled at Mr. Brewer.

"I do love it here, sir. Even though it doesn't seem like it, my mother cares for me a lot." I said and Percy looked at me then glared, meaning I had upset him.

"Is that what you expect from me, mother? For me to lie through my teeth with a sugar sweet smile? Well, I won't. The truth is I hate this god damn house and that bitch there is nothing but an abuser, a drug addict, a drunk, and nothing more than a roach. I hate her and I'm not afraid anymore. If you want to hurt me, hurt me. I don't care anymore. So that's your truth, Mr. Brewer." I said and my mother looked ready to kill me.

"Then it seems I have the right to remove her from this house." He said and my mother grabbed me, throwing Percy into the wall. I screamed as my back hit the wall then Percy ripped her off me, letting me fall to the floor. Cops flooded the house and one helped me as three others took my mother and Percy ran to me.


"I'm okay." I said and he held me as he stood, carrying me from the house. People stared but Percy set me in the back of a car and Mr. Brewer was helped in by another guy who had a rainbow tattoo, though he looked like he could kick someone's ass in a second.

"This is Butch, another one of our campers." Mr. Brewer said and I smiled then saw Percy holding my bags and he tossed them in the back.

"That's everything, let's go." Butch nodded we drove away from my house but as we drove towards New York, I put my headphones on and fell asleep on the window.

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