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"There's the Argo." I whispered and saw the monsters had captured the ship. I saw Corday then took a deep breath and summoned my sword.

"Whatever you do, Corday is mine." I said and the other four nodded then went to their positions but Percy stayed next to me.

"What? You need to go." I whispered and he sighed.

"Look, if we die, I'll kick my own ass for not doing this now." He whispered and grabbed me, kissing me before I could say anything. I froze like the ice was were surrounded by but slowly kissed back and held his jacket tightly. He slowly broke the caress then stared at me as I blinked.

"Why did you do that?"

"Because I don't know who's going to come out of this and who won't. If one of us doesn't, I'll be damned if we didn't do that once before dying." He said and I smiled then quickly kissed him again before pushing him.

"Now go." I whispered and he ran off as I looked at the monsters again. I saw him get into position then I noticed everyone was ready but also that they could have easily seen Percy kiss me. I sighed and got ready to ambush Corday then looked at him and gripped my sword tighter. I won't let my friends die. I jumped down and saw Corday then he growled as he turned to me.

"You?! Where're your friends?!" Then Leo melted the ice and Percy made a wall, separating the other monsters from Corday and I.

"Dealing with your friends." I smirked and swung at him but he grabbed a double-edged ax and blocked my attack.

"You can't win, demigod!" He growled and I glared as he threw me into the wall. I growled and charged him, cutting his leg, then I cut through the wooden handle of his ax. He yelled out and threw the broken handle at me but I dodged and it hit the ice wall, stabbing it. I blocked his attack then hit his shoulder and he yelled as it came out of place.

"You won't survive, demigod. I'll kill you here." He growled then I glared as I rolled from under his blade and it caught in the ice.

Percy's POV
I sliced a minotaur in half then saw Piper and Leo fighting a chimera. I ran for them and sliced monster after monster until I got to them and killed the monster.

"Thanks, Percy." Leo said and Nico screamed as he summoned an entire army to help us out.

"How's she doing?" Piper asked and I looked at the ice barrier then saw a wooden handle embedded in it.

"I don't know, I can't tell. She might be winning." I said and cut a harpie's arm off.

"She might be, but we gotta get to the Argo. That was the plan." Leo said and I nodded then we made our way to the Argo as Cressa kept fighting Corday.

Cressa's POV
I rolled out of the way as he nearly cut my head off then I ripped off my ruined snow jacket, leaving me in my pants, boots, and shirt.

"Are you stripping for me? Finally becoming a succubus?" He teased as I glared, some of my hair coming loose of its braid.

"Not likely." I growled and summoned another sword, making him smirk.

"You use too much demigod magic and you'll run dry before the end of our lovely fight." He said and I laughed as I glared at the ugly bastard.

"You're funny to think you'll walk out of this alive." I said and he smirked more as he broke the ice wall. I saw all the other monsters dead but my friends were working on getting the Argo free.

"Go on then, run to them. I won't try to stop you, you already decimated my army." He said and I circled him, keeping him in my eyes.

"Though, the prophecy does say one of you won't make it home alive. Or am I wrong?" He asked and I stopped as he came closer.

"So do it, sacrifice yourself for them and be the hero, Cressa O'Reily." He said as I backed up towards the Argo slowly.

"The prophecy did say one of us wouldn't come home, though we choose our own fate." I said and let my swords go, allowing them to clatter to the ice loudly in the silent cavern.

"So do it. Kill me, Corday. But I promise you, my family will slaughter you before you remove your blade from my body." I said and stretched my arms out, resembling a T. He cackled and I stopped breathing as pain erupted from my stomach.


The Son Of Poseidon and The Daughter Of ApolloOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant