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We pulled up at some restaurant. He opened my door and held my hand til we sat at the table. "who suggested you to take me here?" I asked. "No one" he laughed. "How was your day?" He asked me. "Ok" I answered.

"How's the food?" I asked him. "Better than salad" he laughed. And I kicked him. " Don't come for my mother's cooking" I said😤. "Lighten up I was looking for chicken until I heard you talk and was looking for a chipotle bowl." He said and we both laughed.

"My mom was talking about me moving down here, closer to Camryn. I love my job in Atlanta tho..." I said and Chance was smiling I know he wants me to move here.

"It's up to you cupcake." He said. "Cupcake? What?"💀 "Don't worry about it you kinda slow so you probably won't figure it out." He said laughing



After we finished eating there was an awkward silence. "Did you see me on tv?" He asked all excited. "Yeah on accident I couldn't find my remote to turn it off" I said. "So you got jokes" chance said like 😒 and I was 😛😂

"Dessert anyone?" The waitress came back and asked us. "No can I just get the bill?" He asked. "How come you said no, what if I wanted dessert?" I said and he just blankly stared at me with no reply. "Thank you" he said as he put the money in the check book.

"Let's go" he said and we went back to his house. He dropped me off and went to get our bags at my parent's


I get back in the car. "Does she like not remember what happened?" I said to myself. Like she didn't bring it up. Like at this point I could need Kelly big mouth 🙊😂.

Like.... Was it like nothing. Nothing worth remembering. Then I thought back ✋😑hell yeah it was. I be feeling like the man when I walk through.

When I got back to my house. Jay was in the bed so I lay next to her. "You know better, other room" she said

👀a motherloving large. Like she really did dismissed me but why this time? The only time I haven't slept with her is at the hotel. So.... Tf is her problem.

A Chance with BennettWhere stories live. Discover now