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"Well to be honest I love your voice because...(because what?! He interrupted) it's sexy" once I said that Chance couldn't stop smiling.

"Dreams" he said looking up. "What ya interest are? Who you be wid? Can I ask a question can you keep a secret? I drgaf! (Stop right there)" he sung and I interrupted him.

He smiled and pulled out a cigarette and lit it. "Want one?" He asked. "Nah" I said. I pulled out my phone and took a picture of him he looked so happy and peaceful.

"I have a plan let's do a prank" I said I put my lipstick on and kissed Chance face and neck. I put my cyber lipstick on my neck. Messed my bun up. Wrinkle Chance shirt. Took one strap off of my shoulder. And Chance carried me over his shoulder. "They gon shit there pants" he said and we laughed the whole way there.

There eyes were wide open. "Ummm what happened?" They asked. "Ared you want me to tell em?" I asked. "Nah I think it's noticeable. He held me in his arms. I kept giggling. Everybody was waiting for an answer.

"Nothing happened, just talking" I said. "Explain the hicky?" Vic said. I smeared it off. "Makeup" I said and they laughed. "Wassup with ya'll clothes. "We balled them up" Chano said.

"So what about the lipstick all over him?" They all asked. "Well that was my favorite part(mines too)" we said smiling. "Oh okay👌"

"So nothing happen? You are smiling and giggly guys wassup?" Kelly asked

I laid my head on Chance and he wrapped a towel around us. I whispered in his ear "why do they care so much?".

"Ya'll too close what ya'll doing?" Kim asked. "Let's go" he said throwing Vic the keys and putting me on his back. When we got in the car he drove us to my crib. When I got up the stairs I tripped. "Look!" He said laughing. He smacked my butt and I immediately got up.

That old creep was outside his apartment. "Oh so Jay too good for me" he said "bye old man, come on Chance" and we went into my apartment.

A Chance with BennettWhere stories live. Discover now