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The day is finally today guys. Everybody formed and circle and we prayed before we got set up. I was in my dressing room getting ready. Dancing and like I was ready to go. "Chance stay still" my stylist said. "Your gonna burn all your energy before the concert" Vic said walking pass eating.

So I finally calmed down to please them and I was looking behind the curtain. Thousands of people. The concert sold completely out arenas packed and people ready to see me blow the fuck up.


"HURRY UP WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE!" I yelled I wanted to get a shirt before they ran out. So she finally is ready and guess hat the outfit she said she was going to wear she changed her mind 30 times. "Hush you wanted your hair done so hush Jay damn you act like he's only gonna perform one song.

"Whatever" I walked out of her apartment and slammed the door I waited in the car. "Jay Ik you not mad?" She said putting her purse on my side and I threw that bitch in the back. "Jay stop acting like a big ass baby damn." It was silent the whole ride she drove really fast. She put these indiviuals braids in my hair and the bun and back out. Laid my edges but my head was tight and so was my attitude.

I finally got my shirt and I changed in the bathroom. We get as close as we can to the front. What do you expect coming an hour late to the show how close could we get. Luckily performers don't start on time cause if I missed this her ass would be grass. He walks up on stage jumping I was like this is real. "I love ya'll ALANTA!!" He screams. He had on a white t-shirt with Khaki overalls on and matching hat and shoes. He looked so good.

I'm yelling I love you but no one could hear it because everybody was yelling and screaming

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

I'm yelling I love you but no one could hear it because everybody was yelling and screaming. I wish I could go up there this was going to be a long night.

But I guess Kels heard me scream my love for him and she gave me the really bruh serousily? face.

Thirsty Thirsty, tryna choose

I mean, I know in pretty cool

My Nitty bag, my Kitty boost

I got the JUICE! I got the JUICE!!

The crowd goes crazy!! He sings my favorite song.

I'm screaming that's love! That's love! I love you! Oh ! I love you! Oooooh!

I would name all the songs he sung but I had them recorded. I had enough space for like 12 more photos and the concert was ending shortly.

Like he was telling us goodbye and how he loved us. How he loved performing for us. Then Vic Mensa comes on stage I'm like Bruh(falling).

"Man wtf are you doing?" Chance jokes. Vic's dap him up and someone hands him a mic. "What's Good ATL! Man this motherfucker right here my best friend my competitor my migo..." Vic covers his face.

"Don't go soft on me and start crying." Chance says bringing him into a hug. "Look it's Vic" Kelly said holding onto my arm with her head in my shoulder like I was him. "Man forget this small talk LET'S BLOW THIS POPSICLE STAND!!" The music starts and the crowd goes crazy.

"In my suit case! Out of state feels good to be home lookin' at the crib through the window! (Pause) then he laughed. In my suit case!"

Chance starts to sing his part "hit the road jack, don't you come back no more, no more, no more... Hit the road jack, please come back one more,one more, one more, IGH!"

"Thank you ATL for letting me give y'all some more love. I love my bro and we'll be back best believe." Vic walks off stage and the crowd chants his name. "Yeah that's Vic for making this experience even better but ugh before I go YOU DONT WANT NO PROBLEM WITH ME!!"


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