Chapter Four: Hierarchy

Start from the beginning

This caught Marceline attention.

"Hm. Guess the band practice can wait until later, right?" She said looking up to her friends, hopeful eyes expecting them to not get mad at her.

"Go ahead, dear. We'll practice after class" Keila said, getting closer to mess up Marceline's hair, before passing by them going to the library. Not without give a death look to Bonnibel first. As all her other friends, by the way.

"What was this?" Bonnibel said, feeling her cheeks warming and her legs lightly shake.

"It's their way to tell you that they'll destroy you if you be any other than nice to me" Marceline said nonchalantly, raising an shoulder. "But keep in mind that I'm completely competent to do it myself" she said looking right on the pink haired girl eyes.

All Bonnie did was swallow hard as following Marceline down the hallway to the music class, empty at this time of the day.

"So, what does your majesty want with this humble plebeian?" Marceline said, in a voice that said she definitely didn't saw herself as plebeian, as she leaned her back down again the wall in one side of the door, Bonnibel with one shoulder leaned against the wall in the opposite side.

"I'm not anyone's majesty" Bonnibel said defensively, picking a bit of hair behind her ear, "and I want to talk to you about a thing. It's about the first game of the football season and..."

"No. Nope. HELL to the no. I'm not going to make merchandise for your stupid team of football players or cheerleaders or whatever in change of you helping to pass our projects with the principal. I can find my own ways to make it happen so..."

"Shut up idiot" Bonnibel exploded, causing Marceline to chock, not expecting that kind of reaction from the other girl. "It's not about you helping us with anything. It's actually to help you. I'm wealing to give you a platform to get the simpath of the students to your cause."


"Because I've talked to the principal. She's not going to approve your project before putting it into vote to the whole school. So now is not just about convincing her, it's about convincing everyone."

"...fuck" Marceline let go, in a low voice, after a deep breath.

"I know" Bonnibel said, letting go of her defensive position to give an supportive look to the black haired girl.

"Alright so, princess. What's the plan?"

Hearing Marceline call her princess still got her feeling sick to her stomach, but she decided to ignore it. For now.

"So, next week it's the first game of the season. Usually we have a whole performance of the cheerleaders to the opening, but as the president and captain of the team, I can change the opening show to... Something else."

"To what, exactly?"

"You and your friends have a band, right? You were even in the music conservatory until you..." Bonnibel shut up in the middle of the sentence, noticing she had talked too much.

"... until I got caught fucking my teacher's daughter. Yeah I know, the whole school knows. I don't care." Marceline completed, rolling her eyes, "And yes we are a band."

"That's the thing" Bonnibel continued, ignoring the comment, "you guys can make the opening show. You'll have time to only one music, so choose well" she said, getting closer to softly tap the other on her shoulder. "That's gonna be your chance to be seen by the kids, so when your project be up to vote, you can get the 'yes' you need. You're up to it?"

"Yeah, I'll have to talk to them, but you can consider us already there" Marceline said, slowly getting Bonnie hand away from her shoulder.

"Alright, Abadeer. See you around" the other said with an eye roll, living the room.

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