7• Daisy Days

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Back at the hospital, Griffin lay sleeping while Lydia sat in a chair by her sister's side, holding her hand loosely.

The door opened as Melissa walked in smiling sweetly at Lydia as she stood on the other side of Griffin's bed.

"So, there was some internal bleeding but we managed to stop it, she also has a fractured wrist so we'll give her a cast once she wakes up, but other than that she'll be just fine" she reassured the tired girl who refused to go home.

Lydia smiled "thanks" she spoke quietly, fighting the urge to sleep.

Melissa nodded, heading for the door.

"Oh and there's a boy here to see her, why don't you go down and get your parents in the cafeteria for some coffee while he's in?" she asked the young girl, hoping she'd relax and take care of herself.

Lydia stared at her confused, what boy? nobody had visited except for family and the group.

None the less she agreed, she could use some coffee right now.

She reluctantly stood up, placing a small kiss on Griffin's forehead before following Melissa out the room.

Melissa nodded to the boy, nervously shuffling in a chair outside the room.

He quickly stood up throwing a quick 'thank you' smile at her as he walked into Griffin's room, closing the door gently.

He shoved his hands into his jean pockets as he slowly walks over to the hospital bed, sitting down in the chair.

He took in her appearance and how different she looked.

Her naturally pale skin was almost a transparent white, light purplish-black lines beneath her eyes.

The sudden drop in her skin tone made her strawberry blonde hair seem like a soft red tone, her hair was no longer straight and was now in messy curls as a few strands lay across her face, but she still managed to look beautiful.

He smiled at her natural hair wondering why she didn't wear the style more often, he thought it looked pretty.

He started to think about how weird this seemed, he barely knew Griffin, and here he was, beside her hospital bed after some animal attack at school.

His nerves getting the best of him, he quickly stood up heading for the door.

Before he made it past the end of the bed a voice broke the silence.


Slowly he turned around, looking at the now conscious girl with wide eyes.

He walked back over to the chair sitting down again.

''Hi, i wanted to see if you were okay..and i--i got you these'' he spoke quietly, sitting a small bunch of daisies wrapped in brown paper beside her on the small table.

Griffin smiled at the boy.

"thank you" she looked down sheepishly, Nolan smiled at this.

Intertwined • Nolan Holloway (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now