4• The Beast Of Gevaudan

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Back out on the field, Liam was knocked down.

As he lay on the ground groaning, clutching his left arm Scott quickly ran over to him helping him up.

"We're getting crushed" he spat through his teeth, Scott sighed, frustrated too.

"It's okay. All we need to do is give the others enough time. Like I said, no ones getting hurt--" he reminded the young wolf, Liam sighed.

"Except for us",  Scott chuckled slightly at his beta.

Scott's smile faded as he heard a struggle, he knew it had to be Kira and Lori.

Slowly he looked towards the school entrance, but before he could say anything he noticed Griffin was no longer in the bleachers.


Inside the girl's locker room Kira and Lori were still fighting while Griffin lay on the floor blinking tiredly.

Kira snapped half of her lacrosse stick, throwing half to the ground.

Lori quickly swung for her, the pair fighting like they were in a sword fight, ducking each other's hits, suddenly Kira kicked Lori down on her stomach.

Lori quickly got back up but soon got slammed into a locker.

Finally fully conscious, Griffin grabbed the discarded half of lacrosse stick in front of her and dragged herself to her feet, charging at the pair she smacked Kira in the back of the head while she was turned, attacking Lori.

Swiftly she grabbed Griffin's already small stick, snapping it into two tiny ones, dropping them to the floor.

Griffin backed away slowly as Kira swung her own stick ready to implant it into Griffin's stomach, the strawberry blonde threw herself to the right, crashing into a row of lockers.

"Kira, stop! this isn't you" Griffin regained her balance.

Kira was once again swinging and lunging at Lori

While struggling, Lori held a piece of stick up, smashing Kira in the side of the face with it as she went flying across the room, catching herself quickly.

Kira found another stick, snapping that one in half too.

"Where the hell are all the sticks coming from?!" Griffin yelled grabbing half from the ground, running to Lori's side, aiming at Kira.

After continuously attempting to hit each other, Lori swung her leg trying to kick Kira in the head, to which Kira ducked, making Lori fall to the ground.

Kira turned, swinging the sticks at Griffin again who blocked the first few strikes but fell, landing against the lockers again.

Kira hit her across the face, then brought her arm up, smashing one against Griffin's ribs, the younger girl fell to her knees, pretty sure she felt something crack.

"Kira...stop" Griffin choked, spitting blood out.

The kitsune didn't listen and continued violently smashing the sticks against the girls small, curled up, frame.

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