5• Protector

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Scott flies down a set of stairs at the hand of the beast.

He shuffled from the ground, growling at the monster.

The beast roared, running off through the school.

Once the beast was out of sight, Griffin ran out from behind a wall rushing to Scott's side.

''Are you okay?'' she questioned grabbing his arm, pulling him up.

''I'm fine'' he assured the younger girl, he was still worried about her from earlier, she kept dozing off or her knees shake.

Another roar sounded through the school.

''Let's go, now'' Scott urged, grabbing Griffin's hand protectively, as they ran after the beast.

They made it back to the front entrance, a girl with blonde hair and cuts across her face stood frozen in fear, as the beast's roars grew closer.

''Come on'' Scott heaved as he grabbed the girl pushing her into a classroom, quickly pulling Griffin and himself inside too, closing the door quickly.

The room fell silent, while Scott pressed his back against the door.

Breaking the silence a loud bang crashed against the door as the beast roared loudly.

''Go. Go out the window'' Scott yelled at the two girls.

''What? no!'' Griffin snapped, she wasn't just going to leave him to die.

The blonde girl scurried off the floor, over to the window.

"Go!'' Scott yelled again, mostly at Griffin.

The beast banged on the door louder, as the girl pushed the window open and pulled herself out quickly.

Realising she wouldn't go without him, Scott looked over to Griffin worried.

She was already badly hurt, she could die tonight.

Unlike Scott she couldn't just heal, she needed help.

She started to doze off again.

''Griffin'' Scott whispered but to Griffin he sounded like he was underwater.

Immense coldness shot through her like she was floating in the coldest water, or in the middle of the snow.

It oddly felt calm, like time was slowed and she was floating.

After another bang, the glass above the door shattered.

Scott threw his head down while Griffin quickly covered her own.

A huge, unhuman arm reached through grabbing Scott, quickly pulling him along with the door, down the corridor as Scott screamed.

Griffin looked up, jumping from the ground.

''Scott?'' she called quietly, no response,

''SCOTT!'' she screamed as she ran out the doorless room, after her friend and the beast.

Intertwined • Nolan Holloway (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now