Chapter 11- trust

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"How could you say such terrible things to a teenager!!" Jimin screamed "You shouldn't be forcing anyone to do stuff for you, We have many things in life that we look forward to. One of them is not getting kidnapped" Jimin was very close to pulling the trigger until Jungkook's fast reflexes pushed Jimin, making Jimin accidently shoot Taehyung right in the chest. He coughed up blood until his body officially gave out, Jimin dropped to the floor and sobbed. "You monster!!" Jimin cried

Jungkook put a collar around Jimin's neck that had a chain instead of regular leash. Jimin didnt even care, All he wanted to do was die along with Taehyung. "Who's gonna save you now, Your mine you slut" Jungkook gritted

Jimin grabbed the gun and was about to shoot Jungkook until Jungkook turend the gun towards Jimin instead "Everytime you try to kill me, Its never gonna work baby" Jungkook said in a brackish tone "Killing me is like killing yourself" Jungkook threw the gun across the room, firing it at Taehyung again. Jimin had no words, This event felt so traumatic to him that he was shaking. He curled up into a ball, Not wanting anyone to touch him or comfort him. He just wanted to be alone, In the dark, with his family. He felt barricaded. Jungkook sighed as he saw one of the most precious things he loved crying on the floor. He rolled his eyes and gave Jimin his phone "You get one phone call. It can't be the police, and you can't tell the person where you are. Just say you are doing okay"

Jimin quickly dialed his mothers phone number into his phone. His mom luckily answered on the first ring "" Jimin said shakely

[Hunny? Jimin! Where are you?? Im so worried. Are you okay? Is Jhope okay? WHERE ARE YOU??]

"Eomma its okay. Me and...." Jimin looked at Jungkook, death glaring at him "Jhope, are okay. We are at his....cousins house right now. My phone died so i forgot to tell you about that"

[Thank goodness your safe. Can you put him on the phone? I want to talk to Jhope's cousin since ive never really met them]

Jimin handed Jungkook the phone. He didnt accept it at first until he realized it was the only way to keep Jimin "Hello ma'am" Jungkook tried to say in the nicest way possible

[Such nice manners. What is your name and how old are you?]

Jungkook thought about making a fake age, But he ended up giving his real age since he wasn't that old "my name is Jeon.....Justin. and i am 22 years old. You must Jimin's sister?"

[Nice to meet you Jeon Justin. No, i am Jimin's mom]

"Really? You sound so young! You probably look just as young as you sound" Jimin rolled his eyes with a slight smile

The mother giggled [Oh my you are so sweet! I now want to meet you. Why dont you come over? Bring Jimin and Jhope too. I get worried easily and i want to see them, well, at least my son]

Jungkook widened his eyes at the offer, not knowing what to think of as an exuse. If he said he was busy, Than how is he 'watching' Jimin and Jhope? Jhope isnt even alive......Jungkook killed him already. "That's a....very nice offer Mrs. Park but i don't think itd be a good---"

[Please Justin? I want to see my son. I just need to talk to him. He must really like hanging out with you huh? Come over just a for a couple hours]

Jungkook sighed, He knew he wasn't gonna get out of this situation anytime soon "Okay, Ill bring him over. We'll be there in a few minutes"

[Thank you!! See you soon Justin. Bye] The mother hung up

Jungkook threw the phone to Jimin "Jeon Justin huh?" Jimin teased

"Aish shut your mouth! I couldn't think of anything better" Jungkook pouted "Ill just say Jhope went home because i obviously dont have him.......This is the one time i am letting you out of this house to see your family. After this, You'll never see them again. Understood?"

Jimin sighed and nodded slowly "Yes.........master" Jimin finally said and Jungkook hugged him for it

"Good boy" He said "Let's go see this stupid lady"

"Hey! My mother isnt stupid!" Jimin whined and Jungkook laughed at how cute he is


Ahhh im sorry Taehyunggggg

Love you guys and i hope you have an amazing day!

This book is coming to an end and im kinda sad

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