chapter 4- Recognize

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"Oh my god Taehyung!!" Jimin said in shock "You went missing years ago!! And we all thought you were dead! Its so amaizng to see you alive!" Jimin hugged Taehyung "What has he done to you" Jimin said worridly

"Jimin....This man has done many dangerous things to me that you don't wanna experience. Im telling you, we need to be more cautious about online prediting" Taehyung started to tear up "I...I don't hang out with you much you still have your virginity?" Taehyung asked, Jimin shook his head "Your screwed" Taehyung quickly covered Jimin's cuz he was about to scream "Shh!! I will try to protect you as much as i can. Just don't disrespect him and you should be fine. Dont try to escape while he's around too"

Jungkook came back into the room and Taehyung plus Jimin both looked at him. Jungkook bit his lip as he looked Taehyung up and down "Why dont i show what punishments look like here with you my baby boy" Jungkook said and got on top of Taehyung on the ground, right next to Jimin's feet

Taehyung shook his head "NO! PLEASE MASTER NO!" Jungkook likes to be called master. If he's called by his real name by Taehyung or Jimin, he'll threaten to kill their families "Please master....."

Jungkook couldn't resist it. Taehyung was actually obeying Jungkook by calling him master. He rolled his eyes and got off of Taehyung "I guess ill show Jimin by doing it to him later. Call me master, Jimin. Or ill do something to your friends and family"
Taehyung's breathing started to get heavier as he felt worried for his best friend "Ill be back, Dont think any ideas" Jungkook slammed the door behind him

Jimin also looked Taehyung up and down. Not cuz he was attractive but because of how skinny he was "Tae i can see your rib cage. Does he feed you??"

"You have to earn eating privileges" Taehyung admitted and Jimin gasped "If your a good boy, You get to eat. But if you disrespect him, you starve"

"How long have you been starving for?" Jimin questioned. Taehyung dropped to the floor and started to sob softly. Jimin got down on the floor with him and put Taehyung in his lap, having the younger (Taehyung) straddle him. Not in a werid way, in a friend way. Jimin comforted him by holding him tight and stroking his back. After Taehyung calmed down a bit, Jimin looked him in the eyes "Hang in there Tae. We'll get out of this soon. Im sure Jhope will find us"

Taehyung sniffled a bit before trying to say what he's been wanting to say "w....who's Jhope?" He asked

Jimin sighed as he thought about his best friend "Jhope is my best friend, well, was my best friend. I dont even know if he's still alive" Jimin felt like crying too but he wanted to stay calm and strong for Taehyung "i wish i could show you a picture of him but--"

"JIMIN OH MY GOD!!" Taehyung said, pointing at the skeleton that was about 3 feet away from them. They decided to walk up to it cuz it looked strange, it was pressing a button, a red one. "What do you think it is?" Taehyung picked up the button and dusted off the dust that was on it

"I think you mean who do you think that is" Jimin pointed at the skeleton. Taehyung slapped his arm and took a deeper look at the button. Jimin took it away from him. He flipped it over and bold words were printed a piece of paper that stuck to the button

You can wish for anything you want

As long as its under $1,000,000

But everytime you make a wish, someone randomly dies

Be careful what you wish for, Is a persons life worth what you want?

"Taehyung oh my god" Jimin said "We can get ourselves out of here!!" Jimin excitedly was about to say what he wanted to wish for

But Taehyung stopped him "Wait!! Someone will randomly die! What if its a loved one? Your mom? My mom!? Jhope!" Taehyung did have a point

"But there is a million people in the world! It says someone randomly, it doesn't say loved ones"

"Jimin" Taehyung glared at him "Still, there's a possible chance it could be one of those people ya know"

"Welk ya know what, itd be great if it made Jungkook die!!" Said Jimin, Taehyung face palmed. He really didnt wanna risk having anyone die that was his family. He was scared since there was skeleton next to it, Did it kill it's self? Is that even possible since it says someone randomly dies? Taehyung then felt a little calm after he thought that the wisher shouldnt die

Jungkook slammed open the door "Time for your sluts bath"


If yall can guess where i got the button idea from, i will tattoo your name on my forehead 😂😂

Love u babies 💜 have a wonderful day

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