"Accident? Wha- what do you mean accident? What's happened?" Cas' words came out fumbling and shaky, unable to string together a complete sentence.

"Unfortunately, your husband was shot, there was an armed robbery at a bakery in central Sioux Falls" Castiel's breathing wavered, he felt like he couldn't catch a breath. Panic attack. Cas began to hyperventilate, hands shaking uncontrollably, the sound of rushing water invading his ears and black spots clouding his vision. "Mr. Winchester? Mr. Winchester are you there? Can you hear me?" The lady on the other end of the phone asked frantically, upon hearing Castiel's iritic breathing. All Cas' brain could think of and process was 'is Dean dead, is dean dead, is dean dead.'

"Is... he... dead?" Cas managed to puff out in between laboured breaths.

"No" Castiel finally caught his breath "but he isn't in good shape, other eye witnesses say that he attempted to save the shop owner by wrestling the attacker to the ground, he was shot in the abdomen" tears now replaced the black spots in Castiel's vision. What a stupid, fucking, idiot. "You may wish to get here as soon as possible" she spoke calmly and gently, which scared Cas even more than her previous informative and emotionless voice.

"I'll be there as soon as I can" Cas said before slamming the phone into it's cradle, snapping up out of his seat, not bothering to get anything, rushing out of the room. Even leaving his trench coat behind. His whole body was shaking uncontrollably as tears streamed down his face. There was only two other staff members working the bar that day, Charlie and Sam. Sam had started working in Cas' bar two days after he turned 21, to help him out while he was going through law school, Dean's idea, of course.

Cas nearly broke down at seeing Sam talking to one of his regulars, pouring him a whiskey, large smile on his face. Hesitantly, Cas approached, gripping Sam by the shoulder and dragging him through to the back of the bar before Sam could react.

"Hey, what the-" Sam's speech cut off as he caught his first glimpse at Cas' face. "What's happened?" He asked, instantly solemn.

"It's-" a sob broke Cas' speech, unable to finish the sentence. A deep breath in, a deep breath out. "It's Dean" tears rolled even more freely down Cas' tanned cheeks. Sam's face held a mixture of emotion, ranging from confused to terrified.

"He's been shot" sobs completely took over Cas' body, as what little composure he had unravelled as he broke off into an uncontrollable ramble "He was at a bakery and there was an armed robber, he jumped on top of the guy so he wouldn't shoot the store owner, and he shot Dean instead. The hospital said he might not make it, Sam. He has to make it, I can't live without him, I can't Sam, I-" Cas' rambling tongue was cut off by his brother-in-law's shoulder, as Sam engulfed him into a hug. Even though he was trying to be strong, Cas could feel the tremble in Sam's arms. Cas took some deep breaths trying to calm down.

"Come on we need to get to the hospital" Sam quietly uttered with a quick cough, pulling away from Cas, his throat sounding clogged, holding back a sniff. "I'll get Charlie to kick everyone out and close up, meet me in my car, I don't think you should drive like that" Cas could do nothing but nod and obediently follow his orders, accepting Sam's keys that we're held out for him. The following 20 minutes to Sioux Falls general felt like eons. Cas nervously fidgeted with anything within arms reach, picking his nails to the point where they bled. Sam drove quickly, never once taking his eyes off the road, attempting to get there without loosing composure. He knew if he let himself crack he wouldn't be able to carry on.

"I'm Castiel Winchester, I'm here for my husband, Dean Winchester" Cas' clogged throat scratched out as he scrambled to the desk in the reception of the hospital, Sam only millimetres behind him..

"He is in surgery right now, if you'd like to take a seat I'll alert his doctor you're here and we'll get an update for you as soon as we can" the receptionist's smile was warm and not at all comforting. Castiel gave him a quick nod and paced to the opposing end of the waiting room, whilst Sam sat in one of the chairs, head immediately falling into his hands, hair covering his face. Cas continued to pace the room, biting his nails down to near extinction. Only did he stop when the unmistakable sound of crying could be heard below him. In an instant, Cas was on his knees in front of Sam. The sight broke Cas' heart and he had to use all that he had to not cry too.

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