Seventeen: Premonition

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A lone figure was watching from a dark room, his focus was on a video. The screen displays a country that is on the verge of destruction. People on the brink of death and bodies of the dead occupies the streets. This scenario brought out a wicked smile from the man. The glimmer of sadistic intent persisted in his dark eyes. It was clear that the man enjoys what he sees, he was even eating chips and drinking soda while watching the broadcast.

From the back of the room, a door opened and a woman in red entered. The woman took a seat in a corner of the room. She observed the man who was currently enjoying every moment of the misery displayed on the screen. He was like an eager child in a cinema who was watching his favorite movie on the big screen, the only difference was that the man now is not as innocent as a child.

"Your smile is creepy," the woman commented as she broke the silence.

"Oh, is it? Well does it suit me?" The man asked in return without looking at the woman.

The woman chuckled. "Yes it does suit you but I do not get why those videos bring out that kind of smile from you?" She asked as she relaxed on her seat.

"Because this silly humans do really amuse me, don't you like them?" The man's attention was now on the woman.

"I really don't like humans but if they make you smile like that, I have no problem with you watching them." She answered with a smile. "I just don't get why they amuse you when all they do is self-destruct." She added as she was curious to the man's reason.

"You are right on that account, what amuses me is their lies and deceitfulness. It never ceases to give me the entertainment I need." The man answered with a sinister laugh.

"Is that the reason why you always play with them?" The woman then again asked after thinking for a while.

The man answered with a roaring laugh that echoed through out the room. "Oh, I never play with them. I just give a little nudge or a slight push here and there and the rest is their own doing. I don't even need to coax them, just a small whisper and they would go down the path I wanted them to go."

The woman stayed silent as she focused her attention on the video currently playing. Indeed it is true, the screens show very expensive goods that poor people can't afford but the government doesn't care as long as they gain more taxes. With high taxes coupled with decreasing supply and increasing demand, the woman can surmise that if the government will continue to stay silent, their country will surely be driven to more poverty.

"I'll be waiting for their downfall." Was the last words the woman heard before she cast one last look on the man known as Greed before she left that dark room.

And once again, a dark, sinister laugh then echoed and continued through that dark room.

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