Five: Fallen World

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"Child come, let us destroy the world that betrayed and brought you sorrow

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"Child come, let us destroy the world that betrayed and brought you sorrow."

For the past ten years, Crestwell has stood proudly against the enemy and has become the beacon of hope to those who survived the ruthlessness of the Yanaba Beast Clan but now what hope they managed to preserve vanished.

Upon the rise of a new Beast General, the Yanaba became more powerful. For the past five years since this mysterious General ascended, countless victories was claimed and more blood was shed. The land became red and the sky became black that not even a living soul can be seen, not even animals nor humans, all that were left were beasts of different sizes that started to freely roam the world.

Survivors of the chaos hid and formed their sanctuary on holy grounds, these are lands untouched by the savage beasts and there they hope to live and fight, to regroup and claim their home. Talon Crestwell with his son Ao Crestwell has taken the stand and responsibility of protecting the survivors together with all the warriors willing to give their lives for their cause. Day and night they never relented in scheming plans dedicated to the fall of the Yanaba.

For the last fight of hope and freedom, they faced this Beast General and fought with might and the spirit of their will to live. During that battle, they were able to defeat half of the Yanaba's army and force the Beast General himself to fight. Talon and Ao Crestwell fought valiantly to slay the General until their sword broke the mask that hid the face of their sworn enemy.

"This can't be, you can't-" Talon exclaimed as he saw the face he never expected to see again for the past fourteen years. A roar echoed from the beast, the man infront of them and that was the final battle that brought the total defeat of Crestwell. The beacon of hope for that world has totally fallen, never to rise again or is it?

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