Chapter 2: Falling

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The first thing I did was balance my self- the last thing I wanted was to fall down the stairs.Even though there were no students other than the sports kids, it would be embarrassing to have anyone see me flat on my butt.

I adjusted my glasses, and muttered “Sorry” before I looked up, to see if there was any damage, like a broken nose or something, on the other party.

This guy was holding his hands to his face, and mumbled something through his fingers.

He realized I had a vague expression on my face, and put his hands away and said “Are you ok? You hit your head on the wall pretty hard.” and then bent down to help me with my books.

He had nice arms. All toned and everything.

He was a sports kid.


“I'm ok, thanks. Is your nose ok?” I asked him as a formality, and picked up the rest of my books.

I didn’t really care.

He smelt ripe, as if he had just run a mile.

He was sweaty, and tall with a pretty sporty build- everything about him screamed “I'm a sportsperson, make special room for me, since I'm so good looking too!”

 “Oh, yeah.” He said, and smiled.

I recognized him immediately after that.

I didn’t really know his name; I just knew he was in my class.

And that there were girls everywhere on campus who were in love with him, and didn’t hesitate to use the ‘L’ word to describe their feelings about him.

 I nodded at him, smiled and walked to class, since I didn’t know what else to do.

He was way out of my social league any way.

As if I even had any.

“Bye” he said, and I looked back and waved. I didn’t really expect any more interaction after that.

I looked at my watch, there was another 20 minutes till people started coming in, and ten minutes after that, classes officially started.

I pulled out my music player and pressed play. Listening to music was one of the few fun things I knew to do. Reading an old novel would probably classify me as some sort of elitist, and we’d only entered two weeks of classes.

No label is better than a mean label, that’s for sure.

A few minutes of post-rock silence made me feel a little depressed, so I switched to Nirvana, since Grunge was sort of like a pick-me up in my case. 

I didn’t own one of those noise cancellation headphones, so anyone within a four bench radius could hear Kurt Cobain’s heavenly voice through my headphones.

 A few minutes into the first song, the guy in banged into walked in.

He was dressed in our school uniform- for boys, it was a white formal shirt, and full length pants, and looked pretty darn good. His shoulders looked extremely broad, and suited his height- which was way over Normal-tall. At his side, he carried one of those sports-bags, in which he probably had stuffed his sports clothes. He looked at me, and raised his eyebrows, and made his way towards me.

Now, call me stuck up, but stuff like this never really happened to me, so all I did was give him a small smile back, and started gaining interest in the ceiling fans.

 I was sitting at the second last desk- the place the teachers always looked but never questioned- when he walked up to me, and asked “Is anyone coming here?” Since we didn’t really have permanent seats, people generally sat wherever they wanted to.

I shook my head, to reply in the negative, and said “No, not that I know of.” and looked back to the ceiling fan.

It was actually all a blur, since I wasn’t looking at it through my glasses.

 I heard a muffled something from behind me in the middle of the chorus of ‘Smells like teen spirit’ and pulled down one head phone.

“Sorry?” I asked, straightening my self from my previously slouched position.

“You're listening to really loud music.” He said to me.

I swear, you could have hear crickets chirp, at the obviousness of that sentence.

“I…its disturbing you?” I managed. His face was pretty close to mine, since he was slouching over the desk. "

No, I like Nirvana too. You’ve great taste in music.”

A little surprised, I replied “Thanks. You're the first person I’ve met to say that.”

Now I was facing the side, since we were talking- sort of. It was a mistake, since after that, there was a long pause.

Not wanted to be labeled bitch, or something, I asked him “So, it’s like, a one song thing, or you like the band as a whole?”

He stared at me for a second, before saying “Oh, just a few songs. I like a different type of rock from theirs. But they’re good.”

I made what my mother describes as my “Weirdass confused” face, in which I pucker up my lips and raise my eyebrows, and slowly nod my head.

“Have you heard of Matchbox 20?” he asked me, out of the blue.  I nodded my head slowly.

 “You're not much for talking, are you?” he laughed, and it was adorable- His laugh; not what he said. I smiled, since it was cute, this thing he had about himself, and replied “No, no nothing like that. I just am a little awkward initially. Its pretty normal of me.”

He didn’t reply after that, just kept looking at me, looking into my eyes.

Mia thought I wasn’t normal?

She should have met this guy.

If people term me Queen of Weird- behind my back, like how they did in school; this guy would have been like, King of Weird- but since he was cute, no one would have said anything about him.

Its sad actually, how if an individual is attractive, he/she is forgiven for anything evil they do.

He had nice eyes. They were dark, dark with lines of grey, But you’d not have noticed them in a normal conversation. You’d need to bee pretty close to his face to see his eyes the way I did. “I think you're normal.” He said, finally- as if he was thinking a lot about what to say. “That’s because you don’t know me.” I snorted, and turned around.

I’d been here before. The minute you started talking about yourself to an attractive person, the conversation lost interest.

Surprisingly, he tapped my shoulder.

“I’d like to know you then.”



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(Puppy dog eyes.) 

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