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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

Dominic decided that as soon as he was released from the hospital Sky would never be left alone again. They left all the doors open in their home, even when one of them was using the bathroom. He exchanged house keys with Chris and Leah, who both cried almost as much as Dominic did when they saw Sky, so they could check on him if they needed to and he could go over at any time of the day without waking them up. He even briefly considered injecting a tracking device under his skin so they would always be able to find him. Sky didn't mind the idea of getting a tracking device implanted, but River put his foot down for his brother's sake and convinced Dominic that monitoring the GPS on his phone would be just fine in case of an emergency. They installed a high-tech security system in the house, which really wouldn't have done any good against a teleporting witch, but made them all feel safer anyways.

Sky thought he should probably be annoyed with the way Dominic was fussing over him, but he honestly just found it endearing. He knew that his love was just worried about him, and he was willing to just about anything to make sure Dom settled. If that meant being surrounded by people almost every hour of every day then so be it. The only stipulation he had was that he was left alone to do his work. He needed some time alone to relax, and it was absolutely impossible for him to gather information in the way that he does with another person following him around. With Sky's mental health in mind and another mouth to feed Dominic had no choice but to relent. He did, however, make sure that Sky told him where he was going to be or who he was following to ease his worrying thoughts.

Sky had spent the summer in a basement, so Autumn quarter had just started when he was finally released. He had registered for classes shortly before he was taken, but now that he was back he just couldn't see himself sitting in a classroom pretending like nothing in his life had changed. Instead, he decided to throw himself head first into the many requests for information that had piled up in his absence. Word of the Black Bird seemed to have spread to other local universities over the summer, which was good for both his bank account and his sanity. Taking on more jobs assured him that he would have time in which he was relatively alone to take a breather and think over everything that had happened to him. He wasn't messed up by it, both the hospital and the clan approved psychologists said so, but that didn't mean he wasn't affected at all. How could he not be after all he'd been through?

Everyone seemed to worry about Sky's mental state, but he was much more worried about Elijah. The boy was adjusting to his new life very slowly, but he seemed to be stuck in his own head far too much to be healthy. He'd been through way more than Sky, and dealt with his father's anger for fifteen years. He tried to hide it, but Sky was too observant not to notice the way that he carried himself, the way he flinched when anyone made any sudden movements in his direction, even the way he refused to look at himself in any reflective surface in the house. After discussing it with Dominic and requesting the help of Aiden Silver-Laken, Sky convinced Elijah to have at least one session with the Psychologist who cleared Sky. She was a trusted member of the Blood Moon pack and came highly recommended by the Alpha himself. Elijah was an unofficial member of the Silver clan as Dominic and Sky's ward, so Aiden was able to use clan funds to pay for her services. The boy never spoke to his guardians about how the session went, but he did tell them that he and the Psychologist had decided to meet every Wednesday after school for the foreseeable future.

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