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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

Sky's first class of the day was made up almost entirely of Juniors and Seniors who were trying to make up for past credits in order to graduate. He thought that might have made him stand out, but no one around him seemed to really notice that he was there. The class had almost 200 people in it and even without actively trying to use his element he was able to fade into the background while sitting at the front of the class. If it were up to him he would hide even more by slinking to the back, but the school had hired an interpreter just for him in all of his classes and he felt obligated to actually sit close enough to see the hand motions that dragged him through the lecture. He wasn't sure if he was the only deaf student in the school, but he could tell he was certainly the only deaf student in the class as the interpreter decided to look directly at him as he signed, signaling to everyone that he was the token deaf student.

He had three lectures every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday and all of them felt exactly the same. There were the same constant vibrations of chatter in the air, unable to reach his ears as he stared into the eyes of the bald TA that followed him to his classes and translated for him. He figured at first that the school thought he might feel more comfortable if his translator was the same for every class, make him more approachable for any questions he may have and such, but it was after his last class ended on Monday he realized the man was just following him around campus. It didn't really bother him, so he decided to pretend he wasn't there.

It took two weeks for Derek to finally notice the bald man and say something to Sky. He merely shrugged and told him not to worry about it. By that point, Sky had settled into a comfortable college routine. He would get up every morning and eat breakfast alone in his dorm room before heading to class. He pretended not to notice that the bald man was waiting several yards away from the building, watching him leave and carefully slipping behind him. The man would wait 10 minutes before class started to enter, acting as if he had only just arrived. A similar interaction occurred between Sky's first and second classes, although the man was less secretive about it because he knew that Sky knew he was already going to the same place.

Between his second and third class Sky usually met up with Derek and his pack friends in the student union for lunch, there the 6 of them tried to suss more information out of Sky and he pretended like he didn't know that's what they were doing. Of course Derek knew that he was playing dumb, but he had already accepted the fact they they're not going to discover anything Sky didn't want them to. He just needed to know all that Sky was willing to give up. Derek had also slowly become more open about the fact that he was a wolf. He nonchalantly began bringing up non-confidential pack business to get a reaction out of his roommate, only to be disappointed that he acted so normal. The bald man always sat at a table just out of sight of the pack boys, pretending to read the newspaper as he drank his afternoon coffee.

Sky's third class always passed like a breeze and soon enough he was walking back to his dorm room to take an unnecessary nap before heading down to the dorm buffet for dinner with his roommates. Grey had begun eating with them, but he was still steadfastly ignoring Sky's existence outside of their daily dinner bonding. The man poised himself across the street at a café meant for students where he could eat a croissant and an iced tea and watch the trio eat their dinner. Derek often asked him if he wanted to move to a table where the man couldn't see them, and Sky merely shrugged and told him it didn't really matter to him where they sat as long as he got to eat as much pasta as the employees would allow him. The wolf raised an eyebrow at Sky's cavalier attitude but didn't question him any further about his stalker.

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