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'Single quote' = signing

"Double Quote"= speaking

Bold = writing/typing

Italics = native language

"So, what's the deal with you and Grey's cousin?" Derek asked one day at their Wednesday lunch. Winter break had come and gone, and Sky's found the only things that had changed in his schedule was what classes he took. Monty was at the table and happy to translate for him as usual, so he didn't feel the need to face the wolf as he replied.

'We enjoy each other's company'

For the last month and a half, Sky met him for breakfast Tuesdays and Thursdays and walked him to class after, and he came over after dinner almost every weekday to get lessons on signing. He was nowhere near fluent, but he knew enough now that he could hold a decent conversation with Sky and only ask for help with a couple of the words. It was going to take much more time, but with how often they saw each other Sky was confident Dominic would master it in no time. Saturday nights Sky met him in his dorm after his dinner with Arika and the two of them stayed up late talking before falling asleep with their chests pushed together and their legs tangled in Dom's extra long twin bed. Sundays they slept in, eating brunch and then doing all of their homework for the week together. Dominic usually played music with the bass turned up and the speaker close to Sky so even though he couldn't hear it, he was still experiencing it with him.

"You guys dating or something? Or just fucking?" One of the twins asked, he wasn't really paying attention enough to know which one. His mind was just focused on thoughts of Dominic.

'We don't have sex we just sleep together.' He guessed that they were probably dating, but neither of them had really felt the need to label whatever it was that they were doing. The knew they liked being around each other much more than being around anyone else, and being with the other person always made them happy. That was good enough for them at the moment.

Jamie scoffed.

"You mean to tell me that you spend every day with this kid and you sleep in the same bed and you have never even once done something sexual with him?" Sky just shrugged.

'I've never really been interested in anything like that.'

"Like you're not interested in him like that or not at all?"

'Not at all. I've never been sexually attracted to anyone in my whole life.'

"Man I don't understand how that can be. I have wanted to have sex ever since I saw Katie Mullins in a bikini for the first time when I was 14. Never been able to turn down a beautiful girl since. I'll even take an ugly one if no one else is around and I'm in the right kinda mood." Cassius flinched, his eyes turning down to focus on his lunch as he tried to ignore Jamie. It was pretty common for him to brag about his conquests, but that didn't mean it hurt any less for him to listen to it. He loved Jamie so much, and thinking about him being with anyone else breaks his heart every time.

'Honestly, most of the time I forget that sex is even something that exists. It just doesn't even cross my mind.' Monty ate some fries as the boys considered his words and then replied as he chewed.

"So you don't think about sex, but don't you think that he does?" Sky tilted his head slightly, his expression becoming pensive.

'We've never really talked about it to be honest'

L'aire (BoyxBoy) (Watty's 2018)Where stories live. Discover now