Ms.Carpenter-- Sabrina

Start from the beginning

When finished I place the things on her desk and she is still looking at me strangely.

"Are you alright Miss--"

"Oh uhm, Carpenter! Ms. Carpenter," she says as she looks away from me shyly.

"Okay well, nice to meet you Ms. Carpenter," I smile and offer my hand for her shake.

She studies me for a moment and reluctantly shakes my hand.

Wow, she has really soft hands. They fit almost perfectly in mine..

I smile before walking back to desk feeling a bit proud of my interaction with the brunette, yet also a bit intrigued by it.

"Ahem, class you will have to forgive me. Today is my first day teaching, ever, and I was actually supposed to start next week, but due to some complications, I am here today," she says before running her fingers through her course hair.

"My name is Sabrina, Sabrina Carpenter. But, of course, Ms. Carpenter to you all," she smiles slightly.

"So, maybe I can get to know all of you--"

she is cut off by the loud ring of the bell. I frown slightly as everyone begins to exit the classroom. I however, do not budge from my seat.

"You coming," Maggie asks me as she grabs her bag.

"No, I gotta do something", I reply.

"Use protection", Maggie jokes.

I push her playfully and she laughs before leaving.

"I never got your name", she says quietly from her desk.

I stand and boldly sit on top of her desk which grabs her attention.

"Y/n," I smile down at her.

"Hmm... I feel like I have seen you somewhere," she furrows her eyebrows.

"Really? I never really go out much," I shrug.

"I cannot put my finger on it," she taps her fingers on the desk.

"Well, do have a class this period," I ask.

"No, next class is 3rd period. Speaking of, shouldn't you be getting to your next class," she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Ha, nope. I don't have a class for the next two periods actually", I say. 

Sabrina furrows her eyebrows and stares at me, waiting for me to explain.

"I am a senior, and all the classes i take are just so pass time," I add.

"Ah. You're smart huh", she smiles.

"Something like that," I giggle.

"A senior? So you are--"

"18," I reply smoothly.

"Cool," she says.

"Is it cool if I guess your age," I ask with a grin.

"Go for it," she smiles challengingly.

"Hmm, your first teaching job, so you might be fresh out of college. I will guess, 22," I ask.

"Wow! you are smart", she giggles.

"You have quite the beautiful laugh Sabrina," I flirt.

Sabrina's smile fades sadly.

"Thats Ms.Carpenter to you Ma'am", she mumbles.

"Right," I say awkwardly.

There is a brief awkward silence before she decides to speak up.

"Hey, this may be a little strange to ask, but could you possible give me a tour around the school? I had one before but this is fairly large, and I don't wanna get lost," she asks shyly.

Sabrina Carpenter/ Camila Cabello ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now