"Okay. Yoongi found out that he was supposed to kill you."

"Didn't he already know?"

"No. He found the portfolio when we were at yours the other day." Jimin sighed, "which obviously has all your notes in and Jeongguk's instructions. I don't know, he just got super pissed."

"They never really got along too well, did they?" I asked, watching as Jeongguk kicked around in Jay's hold, hissing at Yoongi.

"Yoongi finds him obnoxious and Jeongguk finds him vain."

"Just you wait til I get my hands on you, you fucking-" Jeongguk snarled, stopping when someone interrupted him.

"Oh, no need to stop. Just pretend I'm not here."

I snapped my head towards the voice, my heart thudding once I recognised him.



"Who the fuck is that?" Jimin whispered.

"Long story, an abusive ex of his." I said, near tears.

"Isn't this lovely?" Jisom said, circulating the room.

Jeongguk ripped out of Jay's hold, standing before a vulnerable Yoongi. He looked at me with an unreadable look in his eyes, almost pitiful.

"Aren't you gonna introduce me?" He asked cruelly.

I watched as Jeongguk stiffened, before glancing at me and Jay and relaxing.


"Aw, why not?"

"You don't deserve to know them." He spat.

"Ah, I see. They don't know the true you, do they?"

Namjoon frowned, a questionable expression on his face. Jin and Hoseok narrowed their eyes, not at Jisom - but at Jeongguk.

"Can we take this outside?" Jeongguk asked.

"Hmm, no." He shook his head, "I'm not here for you anyway."

"Who are you here for then?"

Please don't say me.
Not me.
Of all people-

"Kim Jong-in." Jisom drawled, scratching below his jaw, "reckon he'd be a good fuck, you know?"

Jong-in froze, Taeyong pulling him behind him protectively. Ten glanced over at Jeongguk, pointing to his holster subtly, to which Jeongguk shook his head.

"You're not having him."

"It's not as if he means anything to you." Jisom shrugged, "well, knowing you, he'll probably be your next boyfriend."


"Not until I get what I want. And if that isn't Jong-in, I'll take someone else." Jisom said, bringing out his gun and aiming it at Jeongguk.

"Listen, kid. You're not wanted here, now fuck off, yeah?" Jay growled, his arm over my front in defence.

"Is that you, Jay Park?" Jisom sang, "wow. You won't know who I am, will you?"

"I don't need, nor want, to know."

"I'm Jisom. I'm the one who turned Jeongguk's eye that pretty pink." He smiled sadistically.

Jay clenched his jaw, too far away to run at Jisom or shoot. The only person close enough to inflict pain upon Jisom was Jeongguk, who was protecting Yoongi.

"What the actual fuck?" Hoseok whispered.

Jisom's arm immediately shifted to aim at Hoseok, eyebrows furrowed.

iris . vkookOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora