(11) - dear diary

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dear diary part 2


Olivia's life was nowhere near perfect.
Her mood swings decided what to do with the rest of the day, her family treated her how they were capable and at school, students picked on her because they knew that she would've never been able to defend herself.

In the morning she'd wake up and already feel exhausted; if it was a good day it'd be ruined by her brother or by anyone in the school territory.

That morning, she made her way towards her highschool and every now and then she squinted her eyes to have a better view of the objects around her.
Olivia wore glasses only when she truly needed to: in class or when she had to read from very far away and afterwards, she'd take the case she kept the glasses in, and put them away.


That day, it didn't seem any different from the day before: Rodrick winked at her teasingly and Berta laughed at the shoes Olivia chose to wear.
That was it, until, a boy with pretty, brown and curly hair walked in the classroom and took a seat in front of the professor's desk.

Curious eyes were on him, whispers heard from various angles of the room and the professor arrived sighing, looking at the paper on the floor in that early morning.

The boy presented himself: Harry.
Olivia stared longer than she should've had; Rodrick noticed and quickly talked to the boys about it.
Lana, another girl, noticed the boy too and she couldn't deny his beauty and the annoying, ugly face that stared at him the whole time.

"Aww, Ollie Wollie likes Harry.", a girl followed Olivia through the corridor she walked through, her head low in embarrassment.
A few students couldn't help but stare, and Olivia had always wondered if she'd do the same if she saw someone like herself.

One of the students was Harry.
The new guy didn't like to cause any trouble, he enjoyed his quiet corner but always knew what to say if anyone had anything against him.

Harry looked at the scene, the emotion he felt was unknown.

"Oh c'mon Ollie.", the blonde whined as her friend behind her snickered.
"We just want to have some fuuun."

"Ollie Wollie shouldn't be wearing skinny jeans...", a girl sang and Olivia's backpack started getting heavier and heavier, after each step she took.

"Ollie Wollie has legs bigger than a pig's.", a ginger boy joined the group and as Olivia thought he'd help her, words left his lips that made her cheeks gain a reddish colour.

"She's as big as the suuun.", he laughed.

Moments like those were nothing out of normality; they'd talk and Olivia would listen.
She'd come home and punish herself for not standing up for her own rights.


The next day, it happened again.
The boys and one girl decided to have more fun than they usually would, but Harry stopped them.

"I don't believe that this is the right way to treat a lady.", Harry said firmly, the boy letting go of Olivia's jacket, in a rather rough way, but she was very thankful for the angel in front of her.

Before Olivia had the chance to thank Harry, he disappeared in the next classroom.


The day he left a rose on top of her desk was the day that Harry started to approach the sad girl.

He threw compliments and was nice the whole time. Harry was her partner for the project they were given, and of course, people teased her about that. Harry defended her and immediately, all the voices and bad comments magically stopped.

Olivia was so happy.
She was so happy to see that there was someone that willingly approached her.

Her happiness was not liked by other people.
Berta didn't have the chance to laugh about her shoes anymore, because Harry was at every corner, ready to defend the girl.
Rodrick still continued to throw dirty glances at Olivia; he couldn't physically harm her anymore, not with Harry by her side.


Until one day, Harry didn't present himself.
Olivia cried the morning she got the message; she begged her mum to stay at home, she even tried to get cold.
Her mum headed to work and Olivia had to go to school without her knight by her side.

She knew that it'd be hell.

The moment Olivia walked inside the old building, nobody paid attention to her presence, because everybody still thought that Harry was there, ready to stand up for her.

The students realised that Olivia was completely defenceless, the moment she started quickly heading home.
Rodrick laughed at her naivety and grabbed the collar of her jacket, not letting her go too fast.

"Not so fast, little bird.", Olivia was afraid, she refused to let her tears fall and for that reason, her eyes didn't dare to meet his.
"Where's your prince now, huh? The idiot finally realised what a piece of shit that you are.", another guy took her rucksack in his hands and started throwing all the contents outside.

"Please, no.", Olivia weakly fought back and Rodrick had the chance to laugh again.

"Logan, break everything. She won't need it anyway.", the girl cried as everything she had was either stolen or torn in little pieces.

"As for you.", Rodrick pushed her on the dirty street.
"Goodbye.", he high-fived Logan and left Olivia on the street in the late afternoon.


Thank you so much for reading a chapter from #Harry'sSunday! xx

I hope you enjoyed it. :)


Questions Of The Day:

1.) What was your favourite part of the chapter?

2.) What would you change?

3.) If you were in Olivia's situation, what would you do?

4.) And if you were Harry, would you have helped Olivia?


Again, thank you so much for reading patiently. xx
We're reaching so many high numbers and I'm so happy that we're in this together. :)

I love you,

belle. xx

. . .

Published the 14th of April 2019.

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