CHPT20: Rising from the Waves

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Mako's POV:

We crashed through the doors of city hall, taking down any guards that came against us. Dai Li and Metal Dynasty blocked our way as we descended further underground, but it didn't seem to slow us as we barrelled through them. Korra was using air bending to knock them around as Asami used her electric gloves to knock them out while they were off balanced. Bolin and I bended side by side, using all our pro-bending and fighting experience to propel us past our pursuers.

"Over here!" Korra yelled as she sent vibrations through the ground to locate our target.

We burst through the giant metal doors to come face to face with thirty Dai Li men, waiting for us. At the back of the room we watched as Wian and the two lava benders guided someone from the room out a second door. My blood boiled; that coward was running away. With a yell, I charged into the room shooting fire ahead of me to clear a path. 

"Don't let him get away!" I yelled above the fighting. Korra flew over our heads and through the door.

"Wait Korra!" Bolin shouted. "The lava benders are-"

He never got to finish as she came tumbling back into the room; lava melted the floor in front of her.  She swore , wiping sweat from here face. Quickly she tried to cool the floor with air bending as the rest of us made our way through the final Dai Li soldiers. Bolin helped her and soon we were able to run/slide across a sheet of ice Korra bended between us and the still hot floor. We chased them up several flights of stair and back out onto the streets of Republic City. Most of the soldiers had been shepherded towards or into the bay by now and we couldn't see any more soldiers from either side on the streets. Leo must be doing a good job helping General Iroh, I thought distractedly.

"Mako watch out!" Asami pulled me back as a wave of lava almost hit me. Wian was guiding Wun towards the bay presumably to catch up with their troops and left his lava bender pets behind to handle us. I growled and sent two large fire balls at the benders who gracefully dodged them. Korra and Asami flew over the lava Bender's heads and continued to follow Wian and Wun while Bolin and I kept these guys busy. Bolin had begun lava bending as well and the street turned into a fiery mess of molten rock. Climbing up a lamp post, I began lightning bending at the lava benders. Bolin easily moved in sync with my bending, but the lava benders were thrown off. The man stumbled first as he jumped back to dodge both my lightning and the lava he'd just made as a counter attack. Bolin seized the opportunity to encase him in rock. The woman lava bender, distracted by her brother's capture, also stumbled as she both tried to help her brother, dodge lightning, and defend herself from Bolin's lava. Bolin encased her feet in rock, immobilizing her, then encased her in rock next to her brother.

"Nice work," I hopped down from my lamp post.

"Uh, that wasn't me," Bolin scratched the back of his head. "I was lava bending."

"Then how-"

"Leo," Me and Bolin said in unison as the lava benders were further encased in a ball of stone and sucked into the earth.

"It's nice to have a god helping," Bolin commented jokingly as we ran to catch up with Korra and Asami.

"Yeah," I mumbled, smiling to myself.

Korra's POV:

We chased Wian and Wun down the streets of Republic City as they surfed a wave of earth they'd created. As they went, Wun and Wian pulled down the buildings around us trying to knock me out of the air. In my arms, Asami curled in closer to make sure she didn't get clipped by falling rubble. Finally in anger, I sent a blast of air at our opponents. They tumbled off their wave of earth and continued running the last few meters before they met up with their soldiers by the bay. We landed in front of the Republic City army and made ready to fight when a wall of water rose around the back edge of the Metal Dynasty troops, trapping them between our troops and the giant wall of water.

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