CHPT11: Healing Wounds

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Korra's POV:

Leo sat quiet the entire way back to Republic City. Mako sat on one side of him and Asami sat on the other. They weren't trying to get him to speak, they were just there to comfort him. Pabu, Bolin's pet, sat curled around Leo's neck to comfort him as well. Nothing seemed to help. I'd be back there too if I weren't driving the bison. I had many questions, but I knew Leo was in no state to answer them. He was fixed in a memory of something we couldn't see. I wasn't sure if it was bad or good, but Leo was inconsolable. Every so often a tear would escape his eyes. He wouldn't even reach to wipe it away. He stayed frozen and fixed in place, immobile and rigid. When we landed at city hall, Leo dismounted wordlessly and with hollow eyes followed us into the building. We were taken straight to the crisis room were all the important people were discussing what should happen next.

"Korra, Mako, Bolin, Asami! You're alright!" Woo rushed forward to embrace us then let go, seeing Leo behind us. "Leo, you're okay! I'm so glad! Iroh said you were kidnapped! Oh I feared the worst!" Woo moved from us to embraced our very surprised looking mechanic.

"Y-you're not mad?" he asked waveringly.

"Mad!" Woo sounded almost offended. "Leo, why on earth would I be mad? You didn't plan on getting kidnapped!"

"But I convinced you to trust them," Leo hung his head. "Ba Sing Se fell because I made a bad judgement call."

"You'd only ever known them as good and loyal," Woo swayed slightly rocking Leo in his arms. "You made a call based on your previous knowledge, just like the rest of us. There was no way you could have known that they would betray you."

Leo broke and began crying. We pulled him into the hall to grieve. Getting stabbed in the back hurt. Woo perhaps knew that better than any one. He was exactly the person Leo needed right now.

"Thank you," Leo sniffed pulling away from the monarch. "I needed to hear that from you."

"Any time!" Woo beamed. "Hey, your one eye is now completely green!"

"Is it?" Leo asked with a small laugh. "Haven't had the chance to look in a mirror recently."

We all chuckled slightly at the light humor. Leo joking was a good sign. Soon after we rejoined the crisis meeting. President Riko, General Iroh, Lin, Tensen, Janora, Suyin, Varrick, Zhu Li, and that Dai Li guy from earlier were all in earnest discussion about the next move that should be made.

"We're going to have a supply issue pretty soon if we aren't careful," Riko was saying. "With all these refugees from Ba Sing Se, the city is becoming short handed."

"In what?" Woo asked worriedly.

"Food and shelter mostly," Riko sighed. "Water isn't a problem, but shelter from the elements and possibly a war zone will become a problem very quickly. Food is not in great enough supply for the city and the refugees. The city population has essentially doubled because of this."

"The air nomads, as we speak, are going to the other nations for aid," Tensen announced. "There may be some help on that front already coming. The fire nation is usually forth coming in aiding Republic City if they are called upon."

"The water tribes will certainly help as well," I added. "At least Southern definitely will. Our sister tribe in the North likely will as well."

"In the mean time we need to know what Metal Dynasty is doing," Iroh cut in. "I'm not so sure Lord Wun won't follow in Kuvira's foot steps and try to reconquer Republic City. We already know Zao Fu is in danger. Who's to say the City isn't next?"

"Fair point," Riko agreed. "And what of those seven who betrayed you at Ba Sing Se."

"They were in the mountains near Ba Sing Se last time I saw them," Leo said, a touch of confidence reentering his voice. "If they show up again, I'll deal with them, permanently."

Metal Bender (Legend of Korra Heroes of Olympus Crossover)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя