CHPT4: Highway in the Sky

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Leo's POV:

The gang liked flying, well except Mako. Woo, Bolin and Korra kept laughing and waving their arms about like idiots. Asami and Bolin's pet were enjoying the view. But Mako was terrified. I could tell because his arms were wound tightly around my waist and he was slightly hyperventilating with his face pressed into my shoulder. Mind you, he might actually be suffocating not hyperventilating.

"Hey man, you alright?" I asked gently over my shoulder.

"Fine," He snapped breathlessly. "Just fine. Are you watching your driving?!"

"Don't need to," I turned myself around in his grip. "Festus is able to drive. You need me more than he does." I pulled his quivering head back to my shoulder again and stroked his hair in an attempt to calm him. Behind Mako; Woo, Bolin and Korra were waving their arms blissfully in the breeze. I did my best not to laugh, but eventually I couldn't help it.

"Are you laughing at me," Mako growled.

"No you dolt, look behind you!" He did and almost immediately broke down laughing at our friends' ridiculousness.  Mako laughed for a good few minutes, during which I kept him balanced on Festus's back.

When he finally calmed, he looked me squarely in the eyes, "Thank you Leo."

"What'd I do? They made you laugh."

Mako chuckled, "You know what I mean."

"Guys!" Asami yelled, "I think we're here!"

Korra's POV:

Asami was right. In under an hour Festus had taken us from Republic City to the Nomads' camp. The nomads lived in a giant camp of satomobils, buses, and trucks. And so many tents. I noted Leo turning to face front, Mako now awkwardly holding his waist. Better than before I suppose. For the first time since we took off, Mako was actually looking around. His face was slightly tinged red, interesting. Maybe Leo embarrassed him, but I could've sworn I heard Mako laughing. Well whatever Leo did it worked.

As we got closer to the nomads, voices began yelling, but not in alarm...

"It's Leo!" "Leo's back!" "Leo's back!"

"Do you know these people?" Mako asked glancing at Leo.

"Yeah I do," Leo grinned. "They found me and nursed me back to health when I lost my memories."

We landed and Leo slide off first then helped the rest of us. The whole nomadic village had come to greet us. All smiling. Their clothes were a mix of nations; earth kingdom, water tribe, and even some fire nation. An elderly man with a shapely white beard in water tribe clothes stepped forward.

"Leo, my lad! It is so good to see you!"

"Renshou! I missed you guys!" Leo gave the old man a hug before peering around at the others. "You guys are a welcome sight after so long in the city!"

"So you found work then?" A pretty woman about Leo's age asked.

"I did!" Leo beamed, "You're looking at the best mechanic in Republic City."

"Told ya!" A guy in his mid-thirties yelled, "Get your lazy butt moving and you could go far!"

"Aw shut up Taro," Leo joked. "Everyone knows you're never wrong. No need to rub it in!"

The nomads laughed. They were so good humored. It was hard to believe these people would only listen to Prince Woo.

"Leo," The old man, Renshou, put a hand on Leo's shoulder. "As good as it is to see you, I assume you came with a purpose other than socializing. After all, you brought the avatar and our sovereign with you."

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