CHPT3: Original Form

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Mako's POV:

Leo is annoying. That and he makes it difficult for me and Bolin to do our job as bodyguards properly. His reckless driving was going to get us all killed! We'd left Keto at the garage and were headed to Air Temple Island. At least we were almost at the docs then we could get out of this death machine. Leo drove straight out onto the docs, strange.

"Hold on!" Leo yelled cheerily as the satomobile went spinning off the end off the peer! Everyone screamed, but suddenly we were skimming across the water surface. Leo was standing, arms extended, bending the satomobile. "Please hold on tight this is going to be interesting!"

It was. Leo spun us around the bay like a toy top. Around Avatar Island, run circles around a battleship going half-steam out of harbor, Wheelies on the rear wheels, jumping over fishing boats, and so on. When we finally actually reached Air Temple Island I had never been gladder to see land.

"Welcome to Air Temple Island! Please exit the car through the most convenient door and thank you for sailing aboard the Festus yacht!" Leo proudly jumped out of his satomobile.

I clambered out my door weakly, body still shaking from the sheer amount of terror it had just endured, "Leo, I hate you. What are you even thinking when you do dangerous stuff like that?"

"I try not to think," Leo shrugged. "It interferes with being nuts." His eyes glazed over for a second, recognition glimmering there for a moment. "I think... I've said that before..."

"Not to me," Korra said.

"Or to me," Asami echoed.

"No," Leo hushed them straining to remember. "Frank? Yeah! Frank, I said it to Frank! Festus did I ever know a Frank?"

Festus, the satomobile, squeaked and creaked, turning back into a suitcase and extending that screen again. The image of a black haired boy appeared. He was buff! Like giant kind of big. The image changed to another one of this buff guy, but now Leo and a really pretty dark skinned girl with curly dark brown hair and amber eyes were also in the frame. The buff guy was awkwardly standing between Leo and the girl. The girl had a hand on his arm and a kind loving smile on her face. Leo was poking the buff guy's shoulder and laughing good naturedly. Compared to the buff guy, the Leo in the image was tiny. I chuckled at this. Younger Leo was quite a bit different from how Leo is now; his hair is longer now, tinted more red and less curly, he's taller and more muscular now, much less of an imp than the boy in the photo, but his troublemaker smile and mischievous eyes are the same. Older Leo is more mature looking and his work hardened body is- no Mako, bad Mako, stop getting distracted.

Festus was squeaking and creaking something. Just like at city hall Leo was firing questions back, until he was satisfied.  Extending his hand, suit case Festus' handle flew to Leo's palm. Screen folding back inside as it went.

"Well what'd he say?" Korra pried.

"Frank was a friend," Leo began towards the temple as he explained. "At first we didn't get along apparently, but eventually we became friends. Festus says I used to tease him a lot. Then Frank figured out how to tease me back, kinda. That's when we became friends."

"And who's the girl?" Bolin asked.

"Oh that was Hazel," Leo shrugged. "Frank's girlfriend. I don't really remember her though." Leo stopped at the steps looking confused, "Do people usually turn into iguanas?"

"Excuse me?" I did a double take.

"I have a really odd memory of Frank  turning into an Iguana..." Leo grimaced.  "Well done, Frank Zhang. That is exactly how people beat Chinese handcuffs. They turn into iguanas..."

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