CHPT15: Invisible Watcher

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Annabeth's POV:

Next time I see Wian I swear I will punch his lights out! I stalked quietly down the hall following some of the prisoners Wun had hired as they dragged the unconscious Leo and the partially conscious Team Avatar to a wooden holding cell which they pushed on ropes out into the middle off a titanium cavern where they hung suspended over a deep chasm in the earth.  Wiping the sweat from under the brim of my Yankees cap I tried to think of a way to free them. Leo had asked me to follow the team invisibly the second we landed. At fist I thought the request odd, now I understand. Leo must have felt something was off and wanted Invisible back. That I can provide. Memorizing the rope lines quickly, I formulated a plan to rescue the trapped benders. This would be easier if Leo weren't unconscious, but the first thing the lava benders did when they got their hands on Leo was inject a powerful tranquilizer into his system.  He won't be waking up for a while. Sliding silently along the ropes I slid onto the top of the wooden cage. Tapping lightly on the side I tried to catch Asami's attention. At first she ignored me, but as the tapping became more persistent she began looking around.

"Asami up here!" I hissed.

"Annabeth?" She asked quietly.

"I'm on the cage," I whisper urgently. "I'm invisible."

"Right," Asami nodded, confusion in her voice. "Invisible."

"I have a plan to get you out," I continue. "But first you need to wake the others."

"Leo's drugged," Mako whisper-yelled.

"I know," I replied. "We'll have to carry him."

"He's light," Mako shrugged. "I can do that."

"Great," Asami turned back to me. "What's the plan?"

"I'm going to clear a path for you," I said quietly. "Then I'm cutting the ropes on your cage."

Before they could argue I slid back across the ropes and into the corridors. There was an exit we passed on the way  in that Leo had mentioned was guarded. Now only a couple guards stayed by it. Quietly I slipped behind them and slammed my dagger hilt into the first's head and judo flipped the second before slamming my fist into his face. Taking the keys from their belts, I retraced my steps, locking the door to the exit behind me. Sliding back down the ropes to the cage I cut the ropes only to half the cage allowing it to swing and crash against the side of the pit.


"Sorry," I hissed into through the bars.

Shouts echoed through the cavern as guards rushed to figure out what happened.

"Mako, burn a hole for you to crawl out," I instructed. "Through the roof."

He didn't have to be told twice. Korra air bended them up and then all of us to the chink in the titanium plating through which the ropes hung. Taking off my cap so they could see me, I guided them to the exit. A couple brave sentries tried stopping us but they were out of their league. I opened the locked door and Bolin opened the exit then the others hopped through.

"Annabeth come on," Mako hissed.

"Get Leo to safety," I said quickly. "I'll catch up."

"Annabeth, no!" Mako grabbed my wrist. "Are you crazy we need to leave!"

"I'll catch up," I insisted. "Trust me. Wian was in the Dai Li. I'm going to stick around a bit to find out how bad the corruption goes. Shouldn't be hard if I do it right."

"Annabeth!" Mako tightened his grip. "Leo will kill us if you go alone."

"You can't turn invisible," I pointed out.

"How will you get out?" Asami pressed.

"I'll find a way," I assured them. "Just go."

I yanked my arm from Mako's grip and put on my cap. Before they could blink I was back down the halls looking for Wian.

"How did they escape!" Ah, there he is. I followed his voice to the edge of the cavern where he stood with the lava benders.

"Tell me again where his friends went," One of the lava benders instructed coldly.

"Piper and Hazel are quieting riots," Wian began. "Percy and Jason are causing that storm, Nico is putting down our troops with his dead soldiers-"

"Scratch that," The other lava bender said. "We caught him."

"Alright," Wian nodded. "And Annabeth was sent off somewhere into the city when we landed. Leo didn't tell us about what she was doing, in fact he refused to."

"And what abilities does this Annabeth have?" The first asked.

"None that I know of," Wian shrugged. "Good with a dagger I suppose. Besides that, they didn't say."

"Unfortunate," The second sighed. "Have the men sweep the city and contact Yu Hui. Tell him Leo and team avatar got away. We won't find them now."

"Indeed," The first lava bender growled. "Leo is rather annoying like that. The tranquilizer should wear off in a few hours, but with him it's hard to say, he's... Special. We'll have to move up our time table if we wish to have secure Woo before Lord Wun and our forces arrive at Republic City."

That was convenient. Quickly I slipped back to my exit. Unfortunately it was now once again guarded and with more guards than before.

"We think they escaped through here," I heard a voice say rounding the corner into the room, Wian and the two lava benders right beside him.

"Wonderful," Wian growled, then opened the exit with his bending. "This section opens up into about twenty different routes, we'll never find them."

I grinned, I was gonna make good on that promise. As Wian leaned over the opening, I brought my clasped fists down on the back of his head, shoving him through the hole then jumped down after him. As he staggered to his feet, I punched him hard in the jaw then kicked him in the gut before I took off running. I needed to find Leo. If they really did have Nico we'd have to find him fast. They might have tranquilized him just like Leo. Leo could track him, I hope. Using the scuff marks on the ground, tried to follow team Avatar's movements. This proved difficult. Finally I decided to head in the direction we'd left Festus. Oh god, Festus! Wian knows where he is! I took off as fast as I could go. The tunnel entrance where we'd left him was swarming with armed guards. Damn it! Suddenly I noticed wheel marks along the ground tracing into the tunnels. I followed them at a run. It took almost an hour of straight sprinting to catch up to him! He moves fast for a little guy.

"Festus!" I yell as he comes into view. "Festus wait!"

The suit case dragon stopped and turned around looking for me. Quickly I slipped off the cap and collapsed in exhaustion next to him.

"Thank the gods, I found you!" Festus creaked at me. Presumably he was asking where the other were. "Wian betrayed us and I stayed back to spy some but we have to find the others or a means of contacting Republic City. Wun's troops are already en route and the Dai Li might be traitors."

Festus creaked then transformed so there was a seat on top of his suit case self.

"Good dragon," I hopped on gratefully and off we zipped.

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