CHPT19: Battle for Republic City

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Frank's POV:

"Stroke of genius, I say!" Said the man introduced to me as Verrick. "Genius, very genius. But what gave you the idea of using a boat?"

"Uh well," I stammered, even after five years I still wasn't any good at taking compliments or handling people who operated on the same level of energy as Leo. Verrick was like an older more energetic Leo. He was definitely just as crazy and just as spontaneous. Clearing my throat, I answered him. "Well, I noticed that despite our preparation for an ocean attack, there were no reports of Wun having any ocean vessels. Korra also mentioned that the Water Tribes would be willing to help us. I guess it just made sense to me that Woo would be safer away from the Earth Kingdom altogether."

"Brilliant," Verrick grins crazily. "Just brilliant. You might have just come up with real gold on this one. Well let's make sure we're as far away from the main land as possible."

"I don't like this," Woo mumbled looking out the back window of Verrick's cruise ship. "I should be with my people."

"You're no good to them dead or captured," I placed a hand gently on Woo's shoulder as we watched the outline of Republic City fade into the horizon. "I know you don't like it, but it's better this way."

"I know," Woo sighed. "It just doesn't feel right is all, I should be with them."

Piper's POV:

Hazel shadow traveled us back to Republic City and we were instantly surrounded by Metal Dynasty troops. Apparently we popped right into the middle of their army.

"Run," I squeaked and we bolted. Both of us were drained from taming the riots, all we could do was dodge soldiers and flying chunks of rock as we dashed for the safety of the buildings. Since we didn't know the city so well, we were at a bit of a disadvantage until suddenly, as we turned down an ally, we ran head on into a chunk of the Republic City army. For a moment there was stunned silence between the two opposing groups of soldiers, Hazel and I standing between them, and then all hell broke loose. On both sides, chunks of earth were thrown about. Then suddenly fire was whirling around and water too. Hazel and I ducked behind a thrown piece of rock as the battle raged before us. We both wanted to help, but without our powers we were of little use in this fight. Silently we sneaked out from behind our rock and made it behind the Republic City soldiers. An officer directed us towards the command center and infirmary. We decided to visit the former first. Unfortunately General Iroh took one look at us and decided we needed a doctor. We updated him on what happened surrounding the riots from the infirmary.

"That's one concern out of the way at least," The General said. "But we now have to deal with Metal dynasty being in the city."

"And the others aren't back yet?" Hazel asked.

"Leo and Team Avatar have yet to return," General Iroh said gravely. "But Frank and Prince Woo stopped by shortly. The Dai Li betrayed us and attempted to kidnap the Prince. Frank thwarted them and they are now en route to a safe location."

"Wat kind of safe?" I asked.

"Yeah and should we go with them?" Hazel stood. "I could force another shadow jump if it was an emergency."

"Hazel, you can't!" I said in alarm. "You're so weak right now and I don't want you to start fading."

"I'm not that over exerted," Hazel protested. "And if it meant helping Woo I'd be willing to do anything."

"They're at sea," General Iroh said quickly. "Well out of harm's way and headed to a different nation. They didn't tell me which one just in case something were to happen to me. But you two should rest and rejoin the fight when you are ready."

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