CHPT2: New Air Bender in Republic City?

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Piper's POV:

We pulled in a lot of favors, but finally we found the godling that gave Leo the means to go to a different world. I almost thought Jason was going to murder him if he didn't give us what we wanted. The godling didn't have another compass that did what the one he gave to Leo did, so instead he gave us something even better. A pendant that could lead you to anyone or anything. Perfect!  We decided the seven, plus Nico, would go find Leo. Will and Reyna would stay behind to keep the camps running in our absence.

Everyone had decided it would be best if I took the pendant, just like the physician's cure. As soon as it was around my neck a portal opened in front of us. Take us to Leo, I thought and through we went.

Korra's POV:

We were once again in the streets of Republic City. Leo was driving like a lunatic as he was taking the six of us to Air Temple Island.

"Hey Leo!" Asami yelled over the wind. "Can we stop by the garage? I want to see this Earth Dynasty guy!"

Leo nodded then made a sharp turn.

"Are you crazy?!" Mako yelled. "Asami, the prince is with us!"

"What," Leo smirked crazily. "Scared fireboy?"

"Do not call me fireboy," Mako warned.

"We're here," Leo stopped the car abruptly.

Sure enough we out front of the gates of Future Industries Garage. And there on the sidewalk right by the gate was a man in earth kingdom brown and green with a banner that read "Join The Earth Dynasty!" over a table full of flyers.

"Reunite! Take back our Earth Kingdom under a new and better Monarch!" He screamed.

"Hey!"Woo protested. I was about ready to smash some skulls too. Who does this guy think he is anyway?

Calmly Leo hopped out and strolled over to the screaming man, "Hey Shrieky!"

"Leo," The man sighed. "I don't have time to mess around with you today."

"You sure?" Leo raised an eyebrow, relaxed his shoulders, hooked his thumbs in his tool belt, and plastered a mischievous smile on his face.

"Oh, what do you want?" the man glared daggers at him.

"Well," Leo sat down on the flyer table. "My friends wanted a word with you."

We had come over to join Leo as he finished with the man. His eyes flew wide as he saw me and Asami.

Asami stepped forward, "Hello I'm Asami."

"K-Keto, I'm Keto!" He shook her hand.

"I'm Korra!" I brightly stepped forward as well. Unfortunately when I moved Prince Woo became visible to Keto.

"You!" Keto exclaimed angrily then earth bended half the sidewalk toward the guys! Suddenly I heard the most awful metal screeching noise I'd ever heard. I covered my ears and scrunched up my eyes trying to block out the noise. It was over in seconds. Opening my eyes I saw the metal wall that had been the garage's gate was now curled between us and the guys. It saved them!

"That was rude," I turned to find Leo pinning Keto to the table. Leo's lips were inches from Keto's ear, his eyes looked like they were glowing green. But that must have been a trick of the light, Leo has brown eyes. His voice sounded dangerous and his expression suggested he would do damage to Keto if He tired anything.

"Leo," Asami was trying to regain composure.

Leo pushed Keto harder against the table and and bent his arm up behind his back, "We just want to talk Keto, so calm down and I'll let go, okay? We just want to hear your side of the story."

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