CHPT8: Home

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Piper's POV:

I watched Jason pace back and forth across our shared quarters, a worry line creasing his brow as he pondered what we could've done differently. We all were thinking the same thing. Everyone had congregated in our room, not wanting to sit in separate rooms. Percy was also pacing with Jason. They seemed to circle each other in a figure eight formation as they were absorbed by their thoughts. Hazel was almost in tears, leaning up against a dazed looking Frank. Nico sat crossed-legged next to them knees drawn up to his chest, chin resting on his arms. Annabeth sat next to me on the bed leaning against the wall, starring into space. Frank had done a good job explaining to Leo when the rest of us froze. We'd been shocked by how quickly Leo had gone from trusting to fully guarded after Mako's question. Honestly I blame myself for using his old nickname. Once he'd smile and laugh at the affectionate name, but now was different. He was so much more than a repair boy here. He'd always been more than that to us as well, but he seemed to have focused in on the negative parts of our friendship rather than the good. The laughter and fun. It wasn't that he didn't remember, he clearly did, but he still focused in on the bad. I also blame myself for not realizing what he intended to do five years ago with Gaia. I didn't pay close enough attention to him and we lost him. At the time I'd been so worried about Jason and him not dying in the prophecy that I practically forgot Leo was in it too. Despite us constantly saying 'to storm or fire' I always assumed it would be Jason. Earth, air, perfect mortal enemies, but it was Leo. It was always Leo. It made me feel foolish. And now he was so close, yet we had managed to push him away further than ever.

"Ah! This sucks!" Percy finally yelled. "Why can't he understand we care about him!"

"We weren't there for him," Annabeth said miserably. "You heard him, he resents us for that. Korra, Asami, they were there for him in Republic City. Where he began to become himself. Someone we don't know. Someone different."

"But he is the same person!" Jason exclaimed loudly.

"Not entirely," Frank cut in. "He doesn't like being treated like a child or like he can't handle himself. Back on the Argo, he put up with us doing that to him most times, he was everyone's little annoying brother. But now he isn't and us continuing to treat him how we always have isn't going to work!"

"I barely recognized him when we saw him first," Hazel admitted. "His appearance changed and yet I knew it was him, even from a distance. How do we get him back?"

"I think we should listen to that Asami lady and give Leo some space," Nico said. "He's been through a lot, not to mention dying on one occasion."

"Plus he doesn't remember most of the recenter stuff," I added. "He just needs space."

Suddenly, as I finished, the alarm went up.

"What's going on?" Percy yelled as we exited the room into a torrent of other benders.

"Is Zao Fu under attack?" I asked.

"No!" Janora came up beside us. "Get ready to leave. We are going to Ba Sing Se."

"Dazzling who?" Percy asked.

"Ba Sing Se, Seaweed Brain," Annabeth corrected. "The Earth Kingdom capital?"

"I knew that," Percy said awkwardly. "I definitely knew that."

"Get on the flying bison, go!" Janora yelled.

We ran to the bison and Frank transformed into one of the flying beasts. We took to the skies following the others and far ahead, a bronze dragon. Frank zoomed to catch up with Festus. When Leo saw us his eyes went wide then he bowed his head to avoid eye contact and urged Festus to go faster, soon leaving  us far behind. As they went past, his friends glared at us as though we'd come here with the intention of hurting Leo. Evan cheerful Bolin gave a glare that would rival Nico on an overly sunny day early in the morning. Wonderful, they all hate us.

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