Number 28

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Johnny and I try to come up with a plan, but it's hard to figure out something when you're not sure what exactly you are going against. He came every single day, for one whole week. We can't think of a good plan, not even an idea.

Johnny slams his head on the desk, "No matter what we do it doesn't matter! Alex, we have been over everything. There is nothing we can do from out here, it's all up to her in that dream state. Even if you tell the detectives again, there's nothing they can do either, even if they believe you."

"I know! I know that I can't do anything, but I still want to try, even though there is nothing to do. We just have to wait until she 'dies' in there, then she can come out, but it's been three weeks since I woke up. She's already been in there for a few days. That's a long time to be in there to her. I don't know what to do." This situation is terrible. I can't do anything for her! I'm a sitting duck here, I am going insane not being able to help her. I'm going to be released in two days, I have to figure something out by that time.

Johnny opens his mouth to respond when there is a knock at the door, the two detectives from before followed by two other detectives walk in, a man and a woman. "Hello Alex how are you today?" The younger detective asks.

"I'm alright. Much better from before."

"I certainly hope so." The new man says, opening up his briefcase and pulling out a laptop.

The woman detective looks at Johnny with a raised eyebrow. Johnny nods and leans down to me, whispering, "Those are the ones that dealt with Evelyn." Then he walks out.

"Alex, we need to discuss what happened. I understand that you told Mr. Harris and Mr. Douglas that you were in some sort of fairy land. Do you still believe in this story or was it on account of your head injury." He immediately began right as the door closed.

There was only one way that I could find Number 1, "It's true that I told that story. I heard about that Evelyn girl and the crazy story she went on about, she must have suffered extreme psychological trauma, but I suppose my injury messed with my mind convincing me that the story was true. I'm terribly sorry for wasting your time."

The two new detectives looked at each other, Harris and Douglas nodded their heads in agreement. "My name is Ms. Carroll, this is Mr. Stiles, if you admit that the story you previously told was not true, Ms. Mathews will be proven unstable, would you like to continue?"

If I tell them yes, Eve may never be able to leave the psych ward but I'll be able to see Number 1, on the other hand I could say no, possibly get Eve out, and possibly find Number 1 if I could manage to get the others to tell the same story. That's a lot of 'if's'. Can I take those chances? I may even get thrown in there with her, and what good would that do? Please forgive me Eve. "Yes, I would."

Ms. Carroll nodded types something out on her laptop then looks back at me, "Alright Alex, then please tell us what you can remember about the crash."

I take a deep breath, "I don't remember much. I just remember a lot of screaming and the ride was very bumpy, I believe I hit my head first which is why I can't think of everything that happened, just bits and pieces. I'm sorry that I can't be much of help."

Mr. Stiles looks up at me, Ms. Carroll stops him from talking, "It's alright Alex, you have to understand that we just want to get to the bottom of this, when something this big happens with no explanation of why, it's our job to figure it out. We don't want to push you, so if you say you don't remember anything else we'll believe you. You have to trust me when I say that it hurts us when a situation like Evelyn Mathews comes into play, it's hard having to put someone away, but we do what we must, she was a danger to herself. We will leave you alone, as long as you tell me right now that there is absolutely nothing else you want to say, is there?"

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