Number 14

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I sat in the living room, remembering, thinking. I couldn't remember the fair after the roller coaster. I sighed, leaned back, and stared at the ceiling. I heard rustling, and sat up. Looking around, the noise came from behind me, I turned around to see Number 1 standing up.


She nodded, and sat next to me. "Do you remember the time before you came here?" She nodded again. "Do you remember it being at an amusement park." She looked at me, and nodded. "So, we all met there, I went with Johnny, and we ran into Daniel and Emma while we were there, the last thing either of us remembered was getting on the new roller coaster..." She grabbed my arm, "Is that the last thing you remember too?" She nodded. "Do you know if we met?" She let go, then looked up at me and nodded. "We did? I can't remember, I don't remember even meeting Evelyn. Let me try and think about it, was it before the roller coaster?" She shook her head, she pointed her arm in a straight line. "Did we meet in the line to the roller coaster?" She nodded again.

"I can't believe we're gonna make it in! Everyone's been saying how it's almost impossible to get in!" Johnny squealed.

"I know! This is so cool!"

A girl with black hair ran past us, and ran into me, dropping her bag. We both bent down to pick it up. She smiled and gathered her belongings, she had on a black tank top, yellow shorts, and black shoes. She ran up to the front of the line, meeting up with her friend.

"She was cute." Johnny said.

"Yeah, she was."

"I remember, you didn't talk then too, are... are you mute?" She shook her head no. "So, you haven't always been this way?" She shook her head no. "It's only been since after you came here?" She nodded. In just five minutes I had learned a lot about her. "If the coaster is the last thing then... maybe it happened then." She laid back, "You know I'm right. I'm just trying to think of when I met Evelyn, I'll ask her tomorrow. This is all starting to come together, but also get more confusing, why are things changing?" She shrugged her shoulders. I yawned. She patted my shoulder and sat up, waving me away. "Are you sure? Did you get enough sleep?" She nodded reassuringly.

I laid against the wall, the saw lying next to me. Sooner or later I drifted off.

"Get up, it's morning." Daniel shook me. Number 1 was helping Evelyn up.

"Are we gonna try to eat some more food?"

"If you wanna try that, be my guest, I ain't getting nauseous like that again." Daniel snickered.

"The more you try, the better it'll be." I grabbed the cracker Daniel left last night, sticking it in my mouth while packing up the bag, slowly chewing.

"How do you feel?" Evelyn asked, leaning against the wall.

"Fine, stomach is trying to reject it, but I'll live."

"Okay, whatever, sooner or later that warm feeling will go away, and you'll be hurling, just don't stand too close to me, let's go." Daniel grabbed his hatchet.

I swung the bag over my shoulder, we started walking to the stairs. I was in the front, Number 1 in the back, "I'll go first."

"Uh, no, I'll go with you. Remember you're stupid rule?" Daniel stood next to me.

"Alright, come on." We headed up, the stairs were worn down. We reached the top, there was some blood on the first door, it was shut. the other doors were open. Daniel waved the two of them up, while I went into the first room.

"Wow, you just don't wanna follow your rules do you?" Daniel snuck up behind me.

"What do you mean?"

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