Number 23

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The fog glowed in the dark area. I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. I could see my friends around me and could see them trying to talk, but I could hear no sound. I was afraid it was only me, but the others were acting strangely, Daniel was freaking out. I could faintly hear their words, but it was like a whisper. As were the sounds escaping my lips, it was a low whisper.

Evelyn walked up close to my ear and whispered into my ear, "Why is this happening?"

I shrugged my shoulders, feeling uneasy about the situation. I felt if I talked I would be in trouble. The walls reappeared slowly, climbing higher and higher, the ceilings were slanted and the walls were higher than ten feet. The furniture was taller than all of us and tilted slightly. Everything looked very obscure.

Everything was dark and gloomy. A loud banging noise was coming from behind the huge door. I felt as though I was a bug. On instinct we ran under the large couch. We stood under the couch peeking out, we saw the large door swing open and a large man walked in. We wasn't just any man, he was my father. Swaying from side to side, him shaking everything with each step. He struggled to the couch, as he sat his large drunk body down onto the couch, we had to move to a crouch before we were smashed. A loud snore erupts through the room.

"What the fuck is going on?" Daniel whispers into my ear.

The snore stopped, the large man jumped to his feet, lifting each piece of furniture off the ground. We stumbled backwards and Evelyn fell to the ground. The couch had moved slightly to the right, revealing Evelyn's legs to the giant man.

"Stop that racket!" He boomed. The loud voice echoed through the room. He lifted up his giant boot and stomped right onto Evelyn's legs. What should have been a piercing scream, was a low whisper. He kicked the couch up into the air and across the room, breaking a hole in the wall.

"I'm trying to sleep! Why are making all that noise, you stupid children!"

Daniel grabbed Evelyn by the arm and waist and carried her, as we ran to cover under a large desk. Banging his fist against the door, he made a large hole in the wall. Evelyn had passed out, and was loosing blood. The bones in her legs were shattered. My father stomped around searching for us, before he gave up and pulled the couch out of the hole continuing to lay back down and attempt to sleep.

I whispered in a whisper, "I know what this is, it's my perspective of my father when I was a child, unable to talk, looking up to him as though he's a monster."

"This is ridiculous, look what he did to Eve." Daniel said in the lowest voice he could. My father stirring in his sleep.

"Stop talking." Anthony said.

We sat in silence, just watching him. Silently, Daniel picked up Evelyn, bridal style, Number 1 leading us, me in the back. Tip toeing to the giant lamp, we were slowly making our way to the closet door. As quiet as we could be. Evelyn regained consciousness, she couldn't even walk now, what would we do if we had to run, Daniel can't run as fast while carrying a person.

We made it to the door, without making a sound. I had been paying attention to Evelyn. Number 1 and Daniel helped Evelyn get under the crack of the door. Number 1 went next, Antony had made a sound while squeezing under the tight space, almost a knocking sound. It happened in slow motion, looking back, I saw him jump up from his spot, and race towards us. Pushing Daniel under the door, I jumped back and hid in the shadows. My father swung the closet door open, luckily no one was in sight, I could see them hiding in the shadows, just as I was.

Number 1 spotted me first, she nodded to me leading the others to a safer place. My father was moving things around in the small area. So far he hadn't spotted them. Number 1 saw the attic opening in the ceiling, and began to climb up the boxes, pulling the others up with her. I had to get to them. My father moved a coat and put them in plain sight, he hadn't seen them yet, but I was sure he would. I had to do something, and do it fast. Without even the slightest hesitation, I ran straight for him, jumping up and landed on his boot.

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