Number 12

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Daniel and Evelyn were standing behind me, Number 1 had the screwdriver in her right hand. We were ready to defend ourselves. She swung open the door with her left hand.

She jumped out into the hallway, I stood by ready to attack, she walked beyond our vision. When I heard nothing, and saw nothing, I got nervous.

"Wait here." I reached down and picked up the wood plank, and handed it to Evelyn, "Use this, if necessary." I picked up another plank, one in which I hadn't sharpened. I walked out, whispering Number 1's name.

I stood in an area where Daniel, Evelyn and I could see each other. I called out her name again. I heard the sweeping of someone's feet on the floor. I then heard a groan. "Number 1! Are you hurt?" I immediately thought she had gotten injured, and was groaning in pain.

When the sweeping sound got louder, and the groaning got deeper, I thought it sounded strange, like something out of a horror movie. I tightened my grip around the plank. I looked at Daniel and Evelyn, Evelyn was standing in front of Daniel holding the plank with her good arm. Her knuckles had turned white from gripping it so hard.

I got into a formation with the plank at my right side, so I have an easy shot at the stomach. Stepping just a little closer to Daniel and Evelyn, to get a better view of the darkness. The structure of a face and body shaped out in the shadows. The groans stopped, as did the sweeping noise. The figure stood there, not moving an inch, then it leapt forward, screeching, sending shivers up my spine.

It had blood running down its leg that was sweeping on the floor, his head had been smashed in a bit and a hatchet was still stuck in his skull. He sprinted towards me, screeching out bloodthirsty cries. I stepped my right foot forward ready to strike. Number 1 came running down the hall and leaping on his shoulders, not even hesitating to stab the screwdriver into his brain repeatedly.

He collapsed to the ground, she held the bloody screwdriver in her hand, breathing heavily. She reached down and pulled the hatchet from his skull, walking past me and handing it to Daniel.

"What the fuck was that?" Daniel said, holding the hatchet as far from him as possible.

"Let me see your leg." I said, walking over to Daniel and shutting the door behind me.

"We just got that opened, why are you shutting it?" Daniel asked, sitting against the wall, leaving the hatchet on the floor next to him.

Number 1 grabbed a chair from the room, that I don't remember being there before, and leaned it against the door, under the handle. "We don't want them to come in." Evelyn answered for me, she sat down next to Daniel.

I unwrapped Daniel's leg and was about to push on his injury when Evelyn grabbed my arm. "What are you doing?"

"Trust me." I moved her arm from my hand, I push down on his leg, but he didn't scream, "Just like I thought."

"What?" Daniel pushed on his leg with all his strength, he then unwrapped all of his injuries, and pushed down on them. Evelyn doing the same to herself.

"Things keep changing around here, first, aliens of course, then me and Number 1's injuries faded, then we found you and your cuts faded, then a zombie attacked us, and now you don't have any injury at all. I think‒"

"Whoa, zombies? Are you kidding me? That's just a scary story." Daniel swung the hatchet over his shoulder.

"Well, we did never think that aliens were real. And honestly, zombies are more of a possibility than aliens, and they're scarier" Evelyn said, standing up and holding the plank in her hand.

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