Number 15

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"Run to the desk." I commanded them. Evelyn grabbed Anthony's arm and led him, I jumped over the marble counter and opened the side door, everyone ran in, I closed the door as the horde ran towards us, we back up against the wall, "Only fight whatever attacks, and only if absolutely necessary."

I stood closest to the door, making sure nothing got under it, or over it. The first zombies approached. I attacked the one by the door and Number 1 and Evelyn began to smash heads, Daniel chopped the heads off, Anthony swung the club around killing them. We had made it past the first half, but my saw was bending, Daniel and Anthony's hands were getting blisters, and everyone's arms were getting sore.

"How many are there?" Daniel yells.

"Too fucking many!" I yelled.

"Just shut up and swing!" Evelyn smashed in a brain.

I brought my saw down on the next one. The blade snapped in half. "Fuck!" A zombie began to climb over the counter I brought the only blade left on it's skull. Kicking him back, knocking down the closest ones. I spun around while Daniel took over my spot, I dug into the bag and grabbed a wrench.

"Hurry up!" Daniel yelled.

"I'm coming!" I spun back around and whacked the closest one. This was much harder, it was easier to smash their heads in, but it's more up close.

"How you doing Eve?" Daniel asked.

"My arm is fucking killing me!"

"Does anyone need help holding off their corner?" I asked.

"Yeah, like you could spare some time!" Anthony yelled.

"Do you need help?" Daniel stood back and looked at Anthony.

He brought up his club and smashed the closest one to him, there was so much blood going around our eyes were getting blurry, but Anthony had the cloth, he wasn't slowing down, despite the blisters having burst on our hands. "I'm good! Now everyone shut up!" Anthony yelled.

I was having trouble with my area. They were all coming towards me. There were just too many. Right when my arms were about to give up, and I was now only taking down one at a time, I could finally see the end of the group. That lifted my spirits just enough to get through the next couple. Anthony's side had run down, and he was now helping Evelyn.

"It's almost over!" Daniel cheered.

"Don't let your guard down!" I yelled.

My wrench was bloody, and my muscles were screaming, we were down to the last ten. One had made it under the door while I was struggling with a fat one above, I tried kicking their face in. Daniel whacked the head off the fat one, and I fell back, Number 1 jumped in, and smashed the skull of the one below. The blood splattered on her face, it was the last one. She fell down, and let out a long sigh, Daniel threw his hatchet on the counter, and took a breath. Anthony stretched his arms, Evelyn leaned back on the desk. I stayed in my place on the floor and stared at my bloody hands.

"Can we just take a break here please?" Daniel laid his head back.

"I also wish to take a break." Evelyn said.

"I'm gonna sit here for a while whether you like it or not." Anthony snickered.

"I'm about to pass out." I sighed.

We sat in silence for a few more minutes, one stray banged his head against the glass door for a while, but eventually walked away, none of us taking notice. Suddenly, a survivor that had gotten stuck under the horde jumped onto the desk attacking Daniel. Stunned for a second, none of moved until Daniel cried out for help. Jumping into action I pushed the zombie off the desk, grabbing the closest thing to me, which was a blood covered stapler. Smashing its head in, it eventually stopped moving. Daniel was holding his eye, blood dripping down his face. I picked up the hatchet and stood over Daniel.

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