Number 24

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Slowly picking up Evelyn's head, I rested her down on the cool grass and walked over to the guys, "We need to think of something fast." Tony said.

"You don't think I know that, we need a plan." Dani said, he looked up at me, "He's good with plans."

"I've been trying to come up with one. But, the only thing I can think of is trying to leave again, but that clearly didn't work last time, I feel like we rushed out of the attic to quickly, and we may have missed another chance."

"We needed to get out of there, there wasn't anything useful in plain view. I think we made the right choice." Dani said.

"But when in this whole nightmare has anything been easy or in plain sight. I feel like this is some sort of mind test. Sometimes I feel like we're still in the alien one, and we're just being tested."

"But how would we meet if that was true?" Tony asked.

"Because it's mind games, if we're all tested together who's to say we're not being tested at the same time and with the same gear and all together. Maybe we were all taken by the Surgers and this is part of their plan of trying to dissect us or whatever, to find out more about us, to see what the mind can do."

"That's a very big possibility." Dani said, looking at his feet.

"Maybe we were chosen because we all met or saw each other at the amusement park. I've been thinking about this, and, I remember seeing you all, but I only actually talked to Dani, Eve, and Number 1..."

"You talked to Number 1?" Dani yelled.

"Well. Not exactly talked, she sat next to me just before you came over, and we played a game against each other. She's the only one I lost to."

"I met Number 1 at the food court, where I met you Alex, I had met her just before I met you. She didn't talk to me, but I ran into her and apologized, before she got a chance to speak her friend was dragging her away, all she could do was smile."

"I met Number 1 in the line to the big roller coaster."

"No way." Dani said.


"I saw you," Dani pointed to me, "and you, and Number 1, and Eve, I saw all of you there, in that line. Alex you were with your friend, that must have been Johnny."

"If I am correct, and you're all the same people I met there, I also saw you all in line." Tony yelled.

"I saw everyone." I said, "every time I met someone, Number 1 was there. When I met Emma, she was in front of her, when I met Tony, she was sitting next to you , when I met Dani, I remember seeing her leaving the stand, when I met Eve, she was in a go cart with her friend, and I actually met Number 1 herself in line. Where I saw everyone there, we were far apart but we were all there, in line, at the same time."

"No fucking way." Dani exclaimed, "What if we're all connected because we all met Number 1."

After a long silence we changed the subject back to a deciding a plan. There's no way this could be connected to her, I had my doubt in the beginning, but she has been through as much as we have I just can't believe that that could even slightly be true.

"Should we go back inside?" Tony asked.

"Are you insane!" Dani yelled.

"It's better than your plan of walking around the side of the building."

"How, how is that worse, in my plan we actually have a chance, if we go inside we know what's waiting for us!" Dani swung his arms around.

"Exactly! We know what's in there so we can be prepared, who knows what we'd find on the sides!"

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