Daniel was the first to fall asleep. The rest of us stayed up for a while, "What should we talk about, because I am dreading this silence." Anthony said.

I stared at the floor and answered, trying not to think about it, I needed to get the subject off my mind. "Didn't you live alone for a long time?"

"Weren't you stuck with Number 1 by yourself for a long time?" He asked back.

"I'm not the one complaining."

"Anyway. To start a conversation, why were you just standing downstairs?" Evelyn asked me.

"I looked out the door window, and nothing was there. I didn't see anything. Just the desk and chairs. None of the bodies were there, they just, disappeared."

"Wait, nothing was there?" Anthony sat up from his position.

"Yeah, it was just like when we walked in, they just, vanished, there wasn't even any blood."

"What the hell." Evelyn said.

"That's exactly what I said."

"If we went down there now, do you think they'd be there, the ones by the stairs that is." Anthony asked.

"I would hope so, but I'm not going anywhere right now." I said.

"I think we should go to sleep," Evelyn said.

"I don't want to go to sleep, I want to figure this out." Anthony complained.

"But I thought we were supposed to stop thinking." I said.

"Exactly, so we should just act, and go do it." He said.

"I'm acting smart. It's dark, it's night-time, I'm done for the day. I'm going to sleep." I said. Laying down.

"Fine, I need to sleep anyway." Anthony said.

"Didn't you just say that you didn't want to sleep." Evelyn snickered.

Anthony didn't answer, he just laid down and turned on his side, facing away from us. We laughed and laid down as well. I opened my eyes after a while, and noticed Number 1 was still awake, she was staring out the office window. Evelyn and Daniel were sound asleep. Daniel was snoring. I stood up and walked over to her.

"What's up?" I smiled at her.

She looked up. Then looked out the window again, and pointed down. I turned my head, and stepped closer to the window. Looking outside it looked dark, really dark, I looked where her finger was pointing. And saw complete darkness. There was nothing, I pushed my hands against the cold glass. We were only on the second floor, we should've been able to see the ground, but I couldn't see anything. I couldn't see the bottom of any buildings.

"What the hell?" I pushed harder against the glass to see if that would help, but obviously it didn't. I stood back, "Maybe it's just dark because it's night." She looked down again, then looked up at me, shaking her head.

I sighed, "I told myself I was done thinking for the day, I'll try to figure it out tomorrow."

I turned away from the window and slid down. Lying my head against the cold glass. I closed my eyes. I felt the darkness take me over, as I fell into slumber.

I woke up to Daniel shaking me, "Wake up. We need to get going."

I looked up, it was still dark out, "Why are you up so early?" I sighed, and rubbed my eyes.

"It's half past noon!" He yelled at me.

"What?" I started to stand up.

"You heard me! It's pitch black outside!" He held out his hand, I grabbed it and he pulled me up.

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