"Stop!" Evelyn stood between us, "It's just a scratch, it's not a bite! He's okay!"

Daniel ripped a piece of cloth off some fabric and wrapped it around his head covering up his eye. I walked away after a while leaving the hatchet on the desk. I opened the hatch on the door, and stepped over the dead bodies. I walked past the stair door, the four zombies had turned into six, and they all clawed at the door. I walked over to the wall with the fake plants sitting in the dark corner, with a line of chairs. I stretched out my arms, and my legs.

"I'm getting fucking tired of this shit." Daniel complained.

"I know! I can't feel my arms, it's like all the feeling in them have just vanished." Anthony said.

"Dani, are you okay?" Evelyn asked.

Daniel sighed and nodded.

Hesitantly, she stood up and walked over to the bag, "Anyone else want a water bottle?"

"Yes." Daniel and Anthony said in unison.


"No thanks, I'm good."

"Come on man, there's no way you're not thirsty." Daniel said.

"Yeah, but I don't want it right now, I just."

Number 1 walked up next to me, and patted my shoulder, she smiled at me, then walked over to the chair, and fell into it. "You just want to figure everything out, right?" Anthony asked.

"Yeah that, and, I just can't grab hold to anything. I just can't think right anymore." We were acting as though nothing had just happened to Daniel.

"I get it. But, you know, let's just do it, because I'm tired of thinking, I just wanna go for it." Daniel said.

"I can't just do that though." I sighed and leaned my head back.

"Oh shut up. Just do it, shut off your mind and just swing." Anthony told me, uncapping his water.

"Alright, but after one question." I said.

"Shoot." Daniel said, before chugging down his water.

"Did we all meet each other before this, because I remember meeting everyone I've met here at the amusement park. Everyone but you two, Eve and Tony. Do you guys remember meeting me?"

"We met." Evelyn said.

"We did?" I turned around and looked at her.

"Yeah, we met in Go Kart. I was with my kid brother. You and your friend ran into us, but we never actually talked."

"I remember that now!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, I didn't meet you." Anthony said.

"I might've seen you, what places did you go?" I ask him.

"Um. Well, I mainly stayed in the food court, but there is the one game I went to, I sat down at that dart game, where you throw darts at the balloons. Then there was the roller coaster. But I didn't talk to anyone except my friends I was with."

"Going back to the balloon thing, did you wear the cloth then too?" I asked.

"No, I wasn't blind then, but I was wearing sunglasses trying to be cool. When I got here I couldn't see and my eyes were all bloody and gross, so I ripped a piece of cloth off."

"I think I remember seeing something like that, I remember people screaming and loud pops."

"I was the other person playing that game, I thought you were some nerd." Daniel says.

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